Your Financial Forecast for February, According To A Tarot Reader
As we step into February and leave the manic month of January behind, it’s natural to start thinking about what lies ahead, especially when it comes to your finances.
Should you be focused on saving this month? Or maybe you’re already thinking about booking your summer vacation. Perhaps you’ve been toying with the idea of switching jobs or changing careers.
This month, we’ve asked Tarot to shed some light on how to put the best financial foot forward. For each zodiac sign, we’ve pulled a card to offer insight on your money matters. Read on to discover what Tarot has to say about your financial forecast!
Your Card: The World
This month you will be reaping the rewards of all of your hard work. The World signifies the successful end of a cycle, but it also marks the start of a new one. Aquarius season lasts until February 19th, so use all of that imaginative, revolutionary energy to plot the next phase of world domination.
This is also a great time to network, so if you have a new financial venture, you may find a willing partner to make it a success. The World reminds you to celebrate your wins and see how far you’ve come. Finally, it assures that you can start the next journey with newfound confidence.
Your Card: Nine of Pentacles
You may find yourself feeling extra generous this month. The Nine of Pentacles is a card of gratitude and success. It also represents sharing the wealth, emphasizing that giving can be as gratifying as receiving.
On February 4, Jupiter goes direct in your money house, so expect to see more money coming in. It’s up to you how you spend it, but the Nine of Cups suggests that sharing is caring. It’s also a great time to tend to things around the home, so you may feel the urge to upgrade your space.
Your Card: Five of Pentacles
The Five of Pentacles challenges your scarcity mindset, urging you to envision a life where money flows freely. What does true prosperity look like to you? Shifting away from negative thinking will allow you to tap into the abundant energy of this month.
When Jupiter ends its retrograde in your sign on February 4, financial opportunities will emerge. New Moons are the perfect time to manifest dreams, so use the New Moon on February 27 to call in abundance. If you can move past your fears, you have all you need to succeed.
Your Card: Two of Cups
A new partnership can bring financial success this month. The Two of Cups is about relationship harmony, where there is an equal amount of give and take. Venus will enter your career house on February 4, so the Two of Cups advises you to use this energy to build stable financial relationships.
With the Full Moon in your financial house on February 12, your funds should get a boost. When you enter Pisces season on February 19, the creative ideas will be flowing, so get out there and make those dreams a reality.
Your Card: Judgement
If you’ve been ignoring your finances, now is the time to take a good, hard look at them. Judgment represents evaluation and second chances. If you’ve made financial mistakes in the past, Judgment asks, “What have you learned from them?”
This is also a karmic card, meaning you will either receive rewards for good decisions or a wake-up call for bad ones. This month, approach your finances honestly and wisely.
Finally, Judgment can sometimes indicate the repayment of a debt. If you have an outstanding balance, consider paying it off before the New Moon on February 27 to start next month with a clean slate.
Your Card: Six of Swords
If your wallet has been wounded, healing is on its way! If you’re unhappy at your job, the Six of Swords indicates that you may be leaving soon and moving toward a better opportunity. When Pisces season arrives on February 19, the universe may send you a financial windfall or a new job offer.
The Six of Swords encourages you to move on from past traumas and mistakes and look toward a brighter financial future. So, be open to unexpected opportunities as they may bring long-term success.
Your Card: King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is the richest and finest King in the tarot deck, so needless to say, you’re going have a good month. He not only has everything he needs, but this King has enough wealth to spread around, so don’t be afraid to spend money on those you love. This is also a sensuous card, so you may find yourself drawn to luxury, whether it’s a designer handbag or a relaxing massage.
Your Card: Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles indicates that money is always on your mind. As a very possessive zodiac sign, you cling tightly to everything, which is not always the best approach. Even if you have enough cash, you’re unsure if you should spend it, invest it, or hoard it.
When this card appears, it assures you that you have enough and that the universe will always provide. By guarding your money so closely, you may be needlessly stuck in a toxic job and missing out on the fun things in life. Evaluate your financial mindset this month to see how you can release your anxiety.
Your Card: Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords is sometimes called “The Thief of the Tarot” because it represents thievery and deception. Since Swords represent ideas in tarot, this could manifest as a toxic workplace where someone is stealing your ideas or asking you to work unpaid overtime.
This card can also indicate self-deception. Are you being honest about your relationship with money? If you’ve been avoiding facing the truth about your financial habits, now is the time to confront them and make necessary changes. It’s also a good month to double-check your accounts.
Your Card: Six of Wands
After a long period of financial struggle, you are seeing the fruits of your labor. This month you will likely receive recognition of some kind, perhaps a financial reward or promotion.
The Six of Wands is a card of victory, so you should feel proud of your accomplishments and relish the attention you are about to receive. Your professional reputation may also get a boost, making it easier to attract higher-paying opportunities or gain clients and customers if you run your own business.
Your Card: Knight of Swords
Are you avoiding a financial issue? The Knight of Swords is charging in, signaling it’s time to face it head-on. Whether that means becoming more assertive at work, or tightening up your savings, this Knight is bringing news fast. It’s going to shake things up, pushing you to make a change, whether you want to or not.
Your first instinct might be to get defensive, but the Knight of Swords does not care about your feelings. This card focuses on the truth. Resist the urge to deflect and instead confront any uncomfortable financial truths. By doing so, you will clear the air and make better financial choices.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles
Balance is the message of the Two of Pentacles. Whether this means balancing your budget or improving your work-life balance, the Two of Pentacles urges you to trust your intuition when it comes to money and career. When the Sun enters your sign on February 19, your intuition and manifestation powers will be turbo-charged, so use them to find your financial equilibrium. It’s the perfect time to set goals with intention and make financial plans that bring you both money and happiness.