Your Horoscope For The Week of December 8-December 14, 2024
Jealousy may rear its ugly head on Thursday, when needy Venus opposes insensitive Mars at 4:02 am. This isn’t a good time to be vulnerable to others or issue orders. Instead, keep your head down and rely on yourself to solve problems. On Friday, thoughtful Mercury makes a sextile to appreciative Venus at 2:45 pm, paving the way to gentler interactions and collaborations. If you’ve had a fight, extend an olive branch.
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A painful experience from childhood could affect an important decision about work. Don’t let powerful emotions keep you from taking an important risk. Venturing down your desired career path is critical. Take this opportunity to apply for a job that fills you with excitement. Ask a well-connected friend to recommend you for a position at their workplace. Break away from a restrictive position so you can become a free agent. This week presents a golden opportunity to make a fresh professional start; grab it!
It’s important to back up your principles with actions. Pretending to agree with offensive policies will undermine your reputation. Be clear about where you stand about a particular rule, even if it means getting in trouble with the powers-that-be. Your courageous stance will attract a much better career opportunity that provides long-term financial security. The salary may not be fabulous, but the benefits will be excellent.
Impulsive spending can get you into trouble. If you feel sad, frustrated, or scared, get creative. Make a journal entry, write the first chapter of a novel, scribble down some lyrics, or outline a screenplay. Working with a clever friend or romantic partner will be rewarding. Their wild ideas, combined with your gift for words, will produce wonderful results. With a little luck, your work will allow you to travel to some glamorous places.
You’re not willing to hear negative feedback. It feels like you’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty and nobody appreciates your hard work. Don’t allow yourself to spiral downward. Instead of lashing out critics, slip off to a private hideaway. Give yourself permission to rest, relax, and indulge your sensual side. Take the day off from work. Enjoy a long nap. Go for a massage. Splurge at your favorite store. Soon, these nitpicking comments will seem like minor annoyances instead of major offenses.
Getting involved in secret intrigues isn’t worth the excitement. If you’re looking to infuse your life with meaning, take a more wholesome path. This could involve anything from taking up a spiritual practice to working toward a fitness goal to entering a recovery program. Your best friend or romantic partner will encourage this shift, realizing that you seem a lot happier. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at a bookstore, concert, or museum.
Overindulging in food and drink will be cause for regret. Watch your intake at holiday gatherings. The last thing you want is to tax your body with too much sugar, fat, and alcohol. Never fear; there are other ways to indulge your sensual side. Going to a spa, getting a reiki treatment, or giving yourself a facial will feed your soul in wholesome ways. Make sure to acknowledge a relative’s generous gift with a handwritten thank-you note.
Beware of attending a big holiday party for work. People will use this opportunity to air their resentments in ways that make you uncomfortable. Bow gracefully out of this engagement and don’t let colleagues talk you into attending for a few short minutes. You have better things to do with your time. Spending a cozy evening at home with your best friend or romantic partner reminds you there is a lot more to life than work.
Sometimes it’s easier to humor someone than challenge their dumb assertions. Unfortunately, your desire for peace could be misinterpreted as agreement. The next time someone says something offensive or ignorant, call them on it. Make it clear that you won’t tolerate these remarks. Drawing this boundary will win a lot of supporters to your side. It feels good to rescue your reputation from the ashes.
Retail therapy won’t give you the high you want. While the desire to spoil yourself is perfectly valid, there are better ways of doing it than spending money. Play your favorite sport. Spend time playing with your pet. Learn a few words of a foreign language that you love. Engaging your intellect makes you feel confident and abundant. If you feel lonely, think about going to trivia night at a local gathering spot. You could meet eccentric people that appreciate your offbeat sensibilities.
An angry conflict drains you of energy. You’re tired of beating your head against a brick wall. Despite doing your best to accommodate others, they don’t appreciate your help. Therefore, it may be better to do some soul-searching. Instead of keeping busy, slow down. An earth sign like you needs to indulge in plenty of sensual pleasures to be happy. Brush your hair with slow, languorous strokes. Smooth scented lotion over your skin. Listen to music that transports you to a blissful time.
Beware of pushing yourself too hard. While your body is very resilient, it does have limits. When you feel a twinge or ache, stop what you’re doing and rest. If you’re suffering from exhaustion, give yourself permission to sleep the day away. When a physical therapist or yoga instructor invites you to make a motion that brings distress, stop what you’re doing and describe what’s happening. You’re the best judge of what your body needs. Be respectful of the signals it is sending.
Don’t challenge other people’s beliefs, even if you disagree with them. By giving a neighbor or family member space to be an individual, you’ll avoid a stressful conflict. In the event this person’s ideas are extremely offensive, feel free to keep them at an arm’s length. Keep your interactions brief, chilly, and polite. The less you engage with their nonsense, the easier it will be to move on to greener pastures.