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Your Horoscope For The Week Of October 20-October 26, 2024

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Major transformations are occurring this week, whether we want them or not. On Tuesday, observant Mercury makes a trine to dedicated Saturn at 2:35 am. Take this opportunity to resolve a persistent problem that continually undermines productivity. At 10:25 am, the selfish Sun squares vindictive Pluto; resist the temptation to exact revenge for an old betrayal. The Sun moves into private Scorpio at 6:15 pm, helping us to dial down the drama for the sake of healing.

On Thursday, a sextile between enterprising Mars and electrifying Uranus occurs at 8:13 pm. This celestial matchup is wonderful for developing a product line, drafting a business proposal, or applying to a lending institution that helps unconventional entrepreneurs.


Working in solitude boosts your productivity level. Steer clear of gossipy conversations and social media outlets until you’ve finished a project. A harsh authority figure makes you question your interpersonal skills; don’t let this person influence an important career decision. Your allure goes through the roof, giving you the choice of several ardent admirers. A home repair project can dramatically increase your appreciation of domestic life.


Brainstorming with a perceptive person proves productive. This is a great time to gather resources for a project that affects the public. Don’t get drawn into a culture war with somebody who keeps pressing your buttons. By confiding your frustrations to a close friend, you’ll maintain your dignity and earn the respect of onlookers. Your distinctive style is well received on Thursday and could lead to a cool freelance assignment.Β 


A health consultation helps you feel and look better than you have in years. Don’t let a loved one’s bad habits pull you back into behavior that put undue stress on your body. Debt could discourage you from making fun plans; find a way to finance a trip that won’t cost an arm and a leg. This is a good week to apply for high-paying jobs, so that may be an avenue to greater financial stability. Grab a chance to work remotely for an unconventional employer.Β 


Reviewing your moral code makes you realize you’ve been too narrow-minded in certain areas. By adopting a more forgiving attitudeβ€”toward others and yourselfβ€”you’ll attract more abundance. A creative project boosts your self-confidence. It feels good to see how far you’ve come thanks to your patience and persistence. An offbeat friend will invite you on a trip; be sure to accept their generous invitation.Β 


You recognize that your priorities have changed since the old days. Give yourself permission to let go of a lifestyle that no longer works for you. If you’re struggling with a bad habit, seek the company of people who have overcome similar struggles. Spending more time at home eases your restless spirit. Take this opportunity to bake, garden, clean, or do any other grounding activity. An unpredictable authority figure could give you a secret assignment that’s lots of fun.


Assuming responsibilities for your partner draws you closer together. You’re happy to relieve your best friend or significant other of dreaded chores. Just make sure that you accept their offers to pamper you. Otherwise, resentment could undermine this happy alliance. A creative block drives you to distraction. Instead of forcing yourself to produce something, go have fun with a group of upbeat friends.Β 


You’re tired of being in crisis mode all the time. Take this opportunity to adopt a restful routine. If a relative or roommate’s bad attitude is weighing you down, think about moving on to greener pastures. Getting your own place will give you a much brighter outlook. If you get a chance to take a flat salary or earn a commission, choose the latter. Getting royalty payments will be much more lucrative.Β 


Your perceptions of a love interest are accurate. If you’d like to embark on a romance, make a move. Someone who refuses to change their incorrect perceptions is wearing on your nerves. It’s time to establish some firm boundaries with this conspiracy theorist. Your air of mystery prompts others to try and impress you. Go easy with someone who is head over heels in love with you. This individual is more fragile thank you think.Β 


You’re making important advancements on the family front. Leaving past hurts behind gives you profound inner peace. It’s such a relief to turn the page and start a new chapter. Take time out of your busy schedule to read and study. Feeding your intellect will fuel your natural optimism even further. An unexpected upset at work results in greater freedom for you. At long last, you’ll have the funds to finance a creative project.Β 


Dip into your contact list to connect two people who can help each other. This alliance will indirectly benefit you. Taking a heavy-handed approach to a public figure will backfire; it will be impossible to compete with their star power. Fortunately, you have a mini-fan club at your disposal; use it to bolster your ego toward the beginning of the week. You’ll feel inexplicably attracted to someone who never made a big impression before. Get ready for this relationship to change.Β 


A job interview or work presentation goes extremely well, resulting in greater financial security for you. Don’t let fear keep you from challenging an expert. Your insights are important and valid, as others will tell you after the confrontation is over. You’ll be put in charge of a high-profile project; your resourceful approach will give you an added measure of freedom in the future.Β 


Your expertise opens the door to teach, lecture, or write for a living. Your self-esteem will soar when you get paid to share your unique vision. A toxic group of people can try to make you feel guilty for your spending priorities. Turn a deaf ear to their passive-aggressive remarks. As long as you keep obeying your intuition, you will thrive. Good news reaches your ear toward the end of the week; go out and celebrate with friends.