Your Love Tarotscope For Venus In Aries (2/4-3/27)
Your Card: Death
Venus transits your sign beginning February 4. Then, on March 1, it embarks on a retrograde journey, re-entering Pisces on March 27. While the planet of love and beauty is direct in your fiery sign, you’re bolder and more confident. It’s your time to manifest all you desire, whether it’s romance, abundance, passion, or self-love. As Venus shifts in reverse, you have more reckoning to do. You’re reflecting on current and former relationships. Nostalgia might have you walking through memory lane. Death wants you to use this as an opportunity to let go of any past love, emotional wounds, or old patterns that are affecting your love life in the present, hindering your ability to connect, or preventing you from embodying your true worth. Think of this transit as an opportunity for a new beginning—with your partner, away from a toxic relationship, through releasing your fear of vulnerability, via self-compassion, or just by daring to put yourself out there again.Â
Your Card: Nine of Wands
Venus’ transit in Aries is emphasizing a truth you already know—you can’t open up or get truly close to someone new until you rid yourself of the baggage of the past. With your planetary ruler in your spiritual Twelfth House of the subconscious mind and self-undoing, this transit is a powerful time for healing, whether you’re single or in a relationship. As you go inward and swim the depths of your psyche, you’ll confront old emotional wounds that have kept you guarded or distrustful. It’s not enough to look at these past hurts and traumas in the face; you have to start processing them and understanding how they’ve shaped not only your love life but also your self-perception. If you’ve been feeling disconnected from your partner or experiencing grievances in your relationship, use this transit to initiate an open dialogue. Be vulnerable and express your feelings, and be receptive to hearing theirs. These next few weeks will reveal whether this is a relationship you want to keep fighting for or not.
Your Card: Page of Wands, reversed
With the planet of love traveling through your Eleventh House of community, there is a strong possibility that you’ll be making new romantic (and potentially fateful) connections while it’s direct. As Venus shifts in reverse, you could find yourself reconnecting with a former flame, for better or worse. The reversed Page of Wands warns you to be careful of who you let in. Put serious thought into it before you allow yourself to emotionally invest in anyone. You must ask yourself whether this person is reliable, if you’re on the same page, and whether you’re looking for the same kind of commitment. Are you putting yourself out there and opening up again, or are you just looking for love in the wrong places? Does this person embody everything you’re looking for in a partner? Do you even have a clear idea about what those things are? Those who are taken should use this transit to inject some excitement back into their relationship.
Your Card: The Lovers, reversed
Cancers who are committed might find themselves feeling disconnected and out-of-sync with their partner during this transit. The Lovers in reverse indicate disharmony, reluctance, or even coldness. Your focus should be on determining exactly what’s missing from your relationship and getting on the same page with your significant other. Engage in honest and open dialogue. Express your feelings and needs, while remaining understanding of their perspective. Talk, but listen. If this person is meant for you, communication and effort are all it’ll take to restore harmony and balance. Some of you might come to realize that what’s missing from your relationship is something unattainable, like compatibility. It’s best to cut your losses now than to continue going through the motions and missing out on new connections. Over the next few weeks, take note of any unconscious patterns that may be keeping your love life from progressing, especially if you’re single. Pinpoint the beliefs, habits, and past hurts that prevent you from embracing vulnerability.Â
Your Card: Eight of Pentacles, reversed
This transit in Venus is happening in your Ninth House of expansion and philosophy, broadening your perception of love and romance. Whether you’re single or taken, expect major epiphanies, realizations, and breakthroughs. Some of you might take notice of how your needs aren’t being met by your significant other, while others might find themselves redefining their expectations and desires. This could lead to a significant shift in your relationship, who you date, and how you approach love. You’re also figuring out what love requires from you and realizing the effort it takes to keep a connection flourishing or to attract a new one. If you’ve been closed off, you’ll be challenged to do the self-work required to rid yourself of your fear of vulnerability. These next few weeks, you need to step it up—in making your lover feel valued, in realizing your worth, in inviting in passion and romance, and in putting yourself out there.
Your Card: Four of Cups, reversed
As Venus travels through your powerful Eight House of death and rebirth, this could be an incredibly transformative period for your love life. The reversed Four of Cups indicates that you’re ready for a new beginning when it comes to matters of the heart. For the committed Virgo in, this might mean reconnecting with your partner and rediscovering each other. If things have been feeling stagnant or if you’ve been in a rut, they’re finally looking up again, with excitement and passion making their way back into your relationship. You’re being reminded of all the reasons you want to share your life with this person and looking towards the future. Singles are coming out of the fortress that they’ve built around themselves, with a better understanding of who they are and what they want in romance. You’re lighter without the baggage of the past weighing you down, and ready to open yourself up again. Going back to the dating world will feel refreshingly different.
Your Card: Six of Swords
As Venus travels through your Seventh House of long-term relationships, expect shifts and transitions in your love life. The Six of Swords indicates endings and beginnings. For many of you this can mean healing and stability emerging. Others will find recovery wherever they may have been experiencing conflict with their partner. Some will find acceptance for what has come and gone or in their current relationship. Those who have been struggling to move on from heartache or betrayal will finally release the hurt that has been weighing them down and keeping them from opening themselves up again. If you’ve been having second thoughts about your relationship, you’ll finally get clarity. This might be followed by getting closer to your significant other, moving things to the next level, or walking away from them. Whatever the case, this transit is bringing you close to your romantic fate.Â
Your Card: Five of Wands
The Five of Wands represents tension, resentment, arguments, and conflict. As Venus travels through your Sixth House, you’ll find yourself reflective on how frustrations or issues in your life are affecting your daily life and mental health. Whatever grievances have been brewing between you and your partner, it’s time to address them, before they boil over. You can’t keep sweeping them under the rug or avoiding difficult conversations. Talk openly about your underlying sources of tension. Figure it out. Choose to work through it or decide if it’s been enough. If this relationship is one that weighs heavy on you, is it even one worth keeping? Those who are still seeking romance should use this period to find closure where they haven’t gotten it. You’re not going to attract the love you dream of until you work through unresolved feelings and unhealed wounds.Â
Your Card: Three of Cups, reversed
With your Fifth House of romance and pleasure activated by Venus in Aries, your romantic life is going to get fun and exciting, especially if you’re single. Expect to meet a potential suitor that will sweep you off your feet and make you wonder about love again. Be careful, however, because this romance is more than likely a fleeting one. Don’t become too emotionally invested, especially as Venus embarks on its journey in retrograde. Enjoy yourself. Step outside your comfort zone. See this relationship as an adventure, and don’t have too many expectations. If you’re committed, your focus on this transit should be injecting more playfulness, passion, and lightheartedness back into your relationship. Reignite the fire between you and your significant other. Remind yourself of why you feel for each other. Think back to how things felt in the beginning and try to get back to that place.Â
Your Card: Queen of Pentacles, reversed
With your Fourth House of home and foundations hit by this transit, your focus turns to stability. This means that you’re contemplating what a peaceful, healthy, safe, and loving relationship looks like to you. Your vision of an ideal partner is becoming more clear. You’re scrutinizing things between you and your partner, potential suitors, and your own personal growth. Some of you will come to ugly realizations about the person you share a bed with. Listen to what your heart, gut, and body are telling you. Others might come to re-appreciate their partner and gain deeper authenticity in their relationship. Those who haven’t yet found love will become more self-assured during this transit, creating a stronger bedrock for future romance. Others might realize they still have work to do on themselves before seriously opening up again.Â
Your Card: The Chariot
The Chariot sees you taking control of your love life during Venus’ transit in the fiery, bold sign of Aries. It all starts with gaining a clear understanding of what you desire and need in a relationship. You’re becoming stronger in your convictions, and are unwilling to accept anything less than you dream of. As you’re feeling more confident and courageous, you’re putting yourself out there and taking action when it comes to romance. Now’s the time to get back on dating apps, ask out your crush, and be fully transparent with any potential suitors. The Aquarius who’s committed will find themselves craving more independence outside their relationship. If you’ve sacrificed your individuality or any parts of yourself to make it work for your partner, you’re taking note and questioning whether this is the right relationship for you. Those in thriving relationships should use this transit to be a little more daring with their partner. Go on an adventure together. Hold each other’s hands as you step outside your comfort zone.
Your Card: Judgement, reversed
This transit is all about gaining awareness of your love life and self-worth. These coming weeks are going to be full of revelations and breakthroughs, with many painful truths potentially coming to light. You can no longer escape the things you’ve been in denial about. If you’ve been miserable in your relationship, it’s going to become unbearable. You’re going to be forced to choose. Is it going to be happiness and moving on? Or are you going to continue living out this toxic, perpetual cycle with your lover until you longer recognize yourself? For some of you, this clarity might mean figuring out how to better your relationship. The Single Pisces is finally making peace with the past and opening themselves up again. Your approach to dating is going to change during this transit, but it will be for the better.