Victoria Strelka_ph

Your Love Tarotscope For Venus In Sagittarius (10/17-11/11)


Your Card: Three of Cups

The Three of Cups represents joy and excitement. If you’re seeking romance, this card urges you to fill up your social calendar during this transit. Stepping out and being extroverted might lead to a meaningful connection with someone. Expect a lot of flirting. Friendship might blossom into something more. The Aries who’s cuffed should make an effort to rekindle the spark and fun in their relationship. Venus is in your ninth house of expansion and adventure, so embrace spontaneity and discovery together. Try out new things with your partner. Do things you never have before. Plan a trip. Make it feel like it did in the beginning. Get out of your comfort zones together as a couple. Take each other by the hand and discover the magic of this world. 


Your Card: Five of Swords

You might experience conflict and hostility in your relationship during these coming weeks. One or both you might be feeling irritable, perhaps even hurt by the other. It’s important for you to get to the root of the problem. Open and honest communication is key, and so is making the other person feel heard. Make sure you’re prioritizing your partner and not your ego. You don’t always have to be right, Taurus. If you’re in a situationship or have been seriously mistreated by your significant other, it’s time for you to set boundaries and stop tolerating what you don’t deserve. Walk away if your needs and desires aren’t being met. Those who are single might be feeling discouraged when it comes to romance. Don’t lose hope. The time you’ve spent alone is allowing you to get to know yourself better and become self-reliant. When you meet someone special, it’ll be all that much better because you’ll want to be with them, and not just filling a void. You’ll also have a sharp vision about what you want and don’t want in a relationship. 


Your Card: Two of Swords, reversed

With Venus activating your seventh house of partnership, it’s time to make the tough decisions you’ve been avoiding. The Two of Swords in reverse indicates a stalemate. If you’ve yet to define things between you, what are you waiting for? Is it you or the other person who has a reluctance to take the next step? Walk away if this person isn’t giving you the commitment you seek. Let them go if you can’t be who they want. If you’re single and choosing between your options, don’t wait until you’re forced into a choice, or you might wind up not having any. It’s time for clarity, and this holds true for those in relationships, as well. Whatever conversations or steps you’ve been avoiding taking with your partner, it’s time to figure it out. This card indicates that there’s a decision you need to make together that you can’t quit putting off. Use this transit to take action, one way or another. 


Your Card: Seven of Cups, reversed

With Venus moving through your sixth house of wellness, it’s important that you take a step back during this transit and prioritize self-care and introspection. The Seven of Cups reversed indicates that there’s clarity you need to reach when it comes to your romantic life. As you self-reflect, be radically honest with yourself about uncomfortable truths you need to face within yourself or your lover. Shatter any illusions you’re clinging to when it comes to your love life. Are you viewing the situation for what it truly is, or are you looking at it from behind a pair of rose-colored glasses? Listen to that strong intuition of yours, Cancer. Trust your inner wisdom and let it guide you. If you’re avoiding any issues in your relationship, face them head-on. The Virgo who’s single is being called to realize their self-worth. As you dive deep, see yourself in all your glory, beauty, and power. Only then can you begin to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. 


Your Card: Judgment

You should be thrilled, Leo. Venus lights up your fifth house of romance and pleasure, promising sparks and excitement, whether you’re single or spoken for. Judgment indicates that new beginnings await you during this transit. Leos who are committed will experience renewal in their relationships. This means shedding challenges, habits, dynamics, conflict, and misunderstandings that have been putting a strain between you and your partner. But, remember, you’re going to have to put in the work. You’ll come out of this period feeling closer and more in love, if so. Make sure you’re also placing effort into breathing passion back into your relationship. If you’re single, expect a spiritual awakening when it comes to love. After all the heartache, chaos, and loss, your hope is finally restored. Put yourself back out there, as you might be meeting multiple potential suitors, and let yourself have some fun. A reconnection with a former flame is also possible during this time, tread smartly. 


Your Card: Nine of Wands, reversed

The Nine of Wands shows up in reverse when someone in the relationship feels exhausted by the circumstances, and possibly is close to throwing in the towel. This card indicates that despite someone’s best efforts, everything feels hopeless. As the one putting in the most consistent work, either you or your partner are drained. You need to come to a compromise during this transit. Meet each other halfway. Express your emotions and concerns. A discussion needs to be had in which you decide to either repair what you have, or walk away. For singles, this card is a sign that you’re struggling with opening up and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. There are past wounds you’re still holding on to that have caused you to build walls up around yourself. There’s a difference between setting boundaries and shutting others out, Virgo. You owe it to yourself to heal what needs healing. Do it, so that you may embrace the possibilities of love again.


Your Card: Nine of Swords, reversed

The Nine of Swords appears in reverse to urge to stop suffering in silence. With Venus in your third house of sharing and communication, you need to use this transit to open up to your partner about what afflicts you, and let them be there for you and in the process. You don’t have to carry the boulder on your shoulders alone, Libra. Just as you’d be there for your significant other during their darkest moments, they want to be your source of comfort and support when you’re in need. Allow them to be the place where you put everything down. Stop bottling everything in. Single Libras, this card advises you to move on from a situation that caused you heartache and disappointment. You might be feeling ready to do so during these next few weeks. Place effort into leaving the past behind. Whoever hurt you may try to make a reappearance in your life, resist the temptation. New connections are on the horizon. 


Your Card: Four of Wands

Scorpios who are taken, you might be taking a huge step in your relationship during this transit. The Four of Wands indicates that you could be moving in together, getting engaged, renewing your commitment to each other, or somehow commemorating your love. Expect the bond between you to strengthen during this period. Let your partner know how important they are to you. Find a thoughtful way to show them just how deep your love is. If you have a union worth celebrating, don’t hold back. Single Scorpios might meet someone with lasting potential over the next few weeks, so don’t stay at home. Swipe away on the dating apps. Go up to the hottie at the bar and offer them a drink. Put on your favorite lipstick and make yourself visible. Do what you do best and seductively flirt away. If you’re still in the talking stages with someone, time has come to discuss your future (or lack thereof). Don’t worry, the Four of Wands is a good sign of compatibility. 


Your Card: Nine of Cups, reversed

Do you feel satisfied in your relationship, Sagittarius? Your partner might look splendid on paper, but do they fulfill you? The Nine of Cups in reverse shows that something is missing. You would be doing yourself and your significant other a disservice if you didn’t express your feelings. This is a difficult conversation to have, but if you can’t have honesty, what else is there? Maybe they’re not giving you the freedom you require to thrive, or perhaps you wish to connect on a deeper level. Whatever has you feeling unhappy, you need to address it and figure out if this is the right relationship for you. If you’re in a situationship and feel yourself wanting more, take it as a sign to cut your losses. Single Sags, with Venus in your sign, it’s your time to shine, but do it alone. Use this transit to get to feeling like your most empowered, desirable self. Do the inner work you need to do. Get out there, socialize, and have fun. Focus on you. Reinvesting in yourself now will bring you wonderful surprises in romance later. 


Your Card: The Sun, reversed

The Sun reversed encourages Capricorns who are single and seeking romance to check in on the vibes they’re giving off. If you’re feeling particularly disheartened, sad, moody, or dark, others are picking up on that too—and they’re not liking what you’re bringing to the table. This card can also be a sign to manage your expectations when it comes to romance. Don’t get too ahead too early on. Take it slow, and be realistic about situations and people. Capricorns who are committed, this card indicates that your relationship is stuck in a rut. Things have gotten stale, and one or both of you feel bored. Is it a stagnancy you could work on? Is it just the normal rut experienced by long-term relationships? Or is it something deeper? More than likely, it’s nothing that a little excitement and adventure can’t fix. Inject some spontaneity into your relationship. Be bold. Try something new. Go somewhere new. Spice it up in the bedroom. Just have fun. 


Your Card: The Empress

The Empress is a good sign for the single Aquarius with a specific prospect. If you’ve been wondering how they feel about you, they want you bad. Not only does this person feel profound passion for you in the physical sense, but they see you as a long-term partner. Use this transit to confess your feelings. If you’ve fallen in love with them, let them know. Chances are they’ve fallen deeply in love with you, too. Those still seeking romance, these next few weeks are a time for you to indulge in life’s pleasures. Let yourself be a little hedonistic. For the Aquarius in a relationship, The Empress signals a blossoming period in which you and your partner will grow individually and as a couple. Your bond is a beautiful, fulfilling thing. Make it known to your partner just how grateful you are to have them in your life, and spoil them as much as you can during these coming weeks. 


Your Card: Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles indicates that you might have a lot on your plate coming up, and warns you not to neglect your partner. If the relationship is important to you, make sure you give them that reassurance as you’re juggling life’s demands. They just want to know that no matter what, they remain your top priority. It could be your significant other, and not you, who’s struggling to balance everything in their life. Be graceful when it comes to understanding their position. You both are going to have to adapt, make compromises, and remain flexible. The Pisces who’s single, go with the flow during Venus in Sagittarius. Don’t plan for anything. Don’t prioritize romance. Don’t have any expectations. Just put yourself out there and have fun. Mingle. Socialize. Collect a few numbers. Keep it light hearted. You never know where it may lead you.