Your Weekly Horoscope For February 11 Through February 18
Thought Catalog Agency

Your Weekly Horoscope For February 11 – February 18


This week, don’t exhaust yourself. Don’t take on more than you can physically and emotionally handle. Remember, it’s okay to say no. It’s okay to take a day off. You can’t spend your whole life multitasking or you’re going to burn out.


This week, don’t underestimate yourself. Don’t count yourself out before giving yourself a legitimate chance. Even though your confidence might be shot, you can raise it back up again. And that starts by taking chances on yourself.


This week, don’t rush yourself. You need to remain patient if you want to see success. If you try to rush, you’ll make mistakes — and you won’t enjoy the journey. So take your time. You’ll get there when you get there.


This week, don’t criticize yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes you’ve made in the past. You are doing the best you can and you should be proud of yourself. Celebrate your small accomplishments and stop dwelling on your small mistakes.


This week, don’t lose sight of yourself. Don’t allow others to pressure you into changing your mind or your opinion. Stick to your morals. Stick to what you personally believe is right. It doesn’t matter what others say as long as you know you’re doing the right thing.


This week, don’t isolate yourself. Don’t close yourself off because you’re worried about getting hurt again. Reach out to other people. Let down your walls. Give yourself permission to have a little fun.


This week, don’t depend on anyone except yourself. Trust yourself. Have faith in yourself. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it, but if you can handle something on your own, go for it. After all, other people could disappoint you, but you can make sure whatever needs to happen happens.


This week, don’t explain yourself. You don’t need an excuse for why you said no or set a boundary. Others should respect your decision, even if they don’t completely understand your decision. You don’t need to justify yourself. You don’t need a reason in order to be treated with respect.


This week, don’t give up on yourself. Even though you might not have crossed certain goals off your list yet, that doesn’t mean you’re never going to achieve them. There’s still hope, so don’t discount yourself. Don’t doubt yourself. You’ve got this, as long as you keep going.


This week, don’t neglect yourself. Pay attention to what your body and mind are telling you. Sleep more if you’re exhausted. Drink enough water. Distance yourself from people who are causing you unnecessary stress. Choose yourself for a change.


This week, don’t overwork yourself. You need to set aside some relaxation time to balance out all of the time you spend working. Even though you might like being productive, you can’t put pressure on yourself to be productive every second of every day. You need to unwind too.


This week, don’t undersell yourself. You have so much to offer, so don’t act too humble. Let others know about your skills and talents. Show some confidence. Make sure that the world knows how impressive you are.