Your Weekly Horoscope For January 7 - 14
Thought Catalog Agency

Your Weekly Horoscope For January 7 – January 14


This week, don’t multitask. If you’re focusing on too many different things at once, you could easily make a mistake. It’s better to do something right the first time than to be forced to do it over and over again because you weren’t using your full concentration the first time around. Focus on one thing at a time.


This week, accept that you don’t have life completely figured out. It’s okay if you don’t know exactly what you want right now. You don’t need to figure it out this instant. You have time. Stay patient with yourself. You’re going to figure this out eventually, so don’t sweat too much.  


This week, work on building your confidence. Take a few minutes to look in the mirror and admire what you see. Instead of focusing on your flaws, focus on your strengths. Think about what makes you beautiful. Silence your doubts and zone in on your positives.


This week, spark conversations with new people. Initiate conversations with mutuals on social media or with strangers at the grocery store. Either way, try your best to be a social butterfly. Try your best to make new friends. It’s hard to form connections as an adult, but it’s possible.


This week, speak up when you’re feeling uncomfortable. Don’t allow others to get away with mistreating you. Even though confrontation can be intimidating, you deserve to be heard. You deserve to feel respected. Say what you need to say, even if it might rub some people the wrong way.


This week, forget about the people who have wronged you. Erase them from your social media, your contact list, and your mind. They don’t matter. They don’t deserve you. Try to focus on the people who treat you well instead, on the people who would never dream of hurting you.


This week, put conscious effort into breaking a bad habit. The start of a year is the perfect time to try to make a change. Even though it’s going to be difficult and you might have some setbacks along the way, you should still try. Make the effort. You’ll be proud of yourself in the end.


This week, don’t let your anger control you. Don’t let your grudges get you down. Even though you have a right to be upset with certain people, dwelling on what they’ve done is only going to make you more upset. Don’t let them do that to you. Don’t let them ruin a perfectly good day.


This week, reorganize your bedroom, your desk, your office, your fridge, and anywhere else that you spend a lot of your time. You don’t have to spend hours doing this. Simply tidy up. Make sure that the areas around you are decluttered so that your mind feels decluttered. It’s much easier to be productive in a clean environment.


This week, ask for help when you’re struggling. Don’t pretend you’re perfectly fine in public, then cry behind closed doors. Don’t lie to your loved ones to save them the trouble of worrying about you. Be honest and vulnerable. Be real and raw.


This week, reinvent yourself. If there’s something you dislike about your current situation, make a change. You have the power to control your life. Use it. There’s no reason for you to walk around miserable when you can change your routine, change your habits, change your life.


This week, be more self-reliant. Instead of automatically expecting a partner or parent to do something for you, try doing it yourself. See whether you can handle it on your own. Whether you can learn something new and grow as a person in the process.