3 Zodiacs With A Long History Of Heartbreak
Most people aren’t strangers to heartbreak. Even though they might look loved from afar, everyone has experienced their fair share of rejections throughout their life – but some zodiacs have had their heart broken more than others. Some zodiacs have put themselves out there again and again, only to get burned. Here are the zodiacs with a long history of heartbreak:
You have a long history of heartbreak because your impulsive nature makes you fall for people fast. Before you even get to know them on a deep, personal level, you will have convinced yourself that they are your perfect match. And when you eventually realize that that isn’t the case, you end up heartbroken. Although you’re the type of person who can move on from most exes and old flames pretty quickly, that doesn’t mean your heartbreak is easy to handle. It’s still an intense feeling while it lasts. It’s still tough to overcome in the moment. You have such strong feelings because you’re such a passionate person – and one day, that passion is going to lead you to your forever person. And all your experience with heartbreak will make your real love feel even more spectacular.
You have a long history of heartbreak because you see the best in everyone you meet and end up falling hard for them. Even though they might have their faults, you are able to look past them and see their potential. You give them the benefit of the doubt, whether they deserve it or not, because you want to be in love. You want to find that one special person. You have a long history of heartbreak because you aren’t afraid to put your heart on the line, even though it’s been squashed before. You are brave enough to try again and again, despite the consequences you could face. You want love badly enough to really put yourself out there, and you should be proud of yourself for this. This openness and generosity is what’s going to draw your soulmate to you one day.
You have a long history of heartbreak because you have a huge heart that has room for more than one person at a time. There have been moments when you felt heartbroken over more than one relationship, or crush, because you have trouble turning off your feelings for people who once meant the world to you. You have trouble moving on from past relationships, even when you know you aren’t a good match, because you still have love for the people who have hurt you. They still hold a little piece of your heart, no matter how long it’s been since you’ve parted or how much you hurt each other. You have a long history of heartbreak – but that’s only because you’re so open with your heart. You are brave enough to let your guard down and let love in. This is something that should make you proud, not embarrassed, because eventually it’s what’s going to lead you to finding your true soulmate.