Alena Yanovich

Tarotscope For Today: Monday, June 24, 2024

Table of Contents


Your card: 4 of Cups

Are you feeling off today? You’re feeling disconnected from others and there may not be any good reason for it. Sometimes we just wake up feeling weird and we have to go through the rest of the day struggling through it. There’s nothing wrong with being by yourself until you’re feeling right again.


Your card: Strength

Strength isn’t just about the muscles you nurture in your body. It’s also about inner strength and bravery. Today, do the brave thing that you’ve been putting off. It may be scary, but pushing through that fear is what bravery is all about. You’ll likely be glad that you made your move.


Your card: 5 of Wands

Feeling spicy today? You’re more likely to get in an argument than usual right now. You may want to steer clear of people you care about or you may say something that you’ll later regret. Then again, if you’ve been wanting to stand up for yourself, now might be the perfect time for some fiery passion.


Your card: 10 of Wands

As much as you’d like to say yes to every request (or because you feel you have to), each favor you do for people is just chipping away at your energy. If you keep overextending yourself, you’ll get ever-closer to total burnout. Do yourself a favor and hide out from people today so you don’t feel pressure to keep giving your time away.


Your card: Knight of Cups

Having to make a tough decision today and aren’t sure what to do? Deep down, you know what you want. You just have to follow your heart. If you’re having trouble listening to your gut instincts, sit alone for a while away from other people’s opinions. This should give you clarity.


Your card: Judgement

Have you ever been told that you’re too judgmental? People may be on to something with that assessment whether you want to believe it or not. You may catch yourself being too judgy today, but try to hold back the scathing appraisals. People in your life need unbiased support now more than ever.


Your card: 6 of Wands

Sometimes, when you’ve done something amazing, you’d rather wait for other people to notice rather than announce it yourself. The only person you need to impress is yourself. So today, instead of hoping you get recognition without having to ask for it, voice your pride in the cool things you’ve done.


Your card: Knight of Swords

This is a great day to be ambitious. Perhaps there’s an opportunity at work that you’ve been thinking of going after. Now’s the time. Don’t wait for good things to happen on their own. You have to put in the work to manifest them into existence.


Your card: Queen of Swords

Be direct with people in your life today. If someone tests your boundaries, let them know. If a coworker stole a sale or a customer berates you, tell the right people so you can manifest change. Sitting back and just accepting this energy is never the right answer–especially today.


Your card: 9 of Pentacles

Treat yourself to something nice today. Don’t get yourself into debt for it or anything, but if you can afford to do something fancy or decadent for yourself, this is the perfect time. Everyone needs some special “me” time, and that includes you.


Your card: 2 of Swords

Avoiding a problem isn’t going to make it go away, Aquarius. Rather than just going about your day as if nothing is wrong, turn and face what’s really going on. It may mean that you have to make a tough decision, but you’re a strong person and you can handle whatever happens next.


Your card: King of Cups

Look for balance today. Something might happen that will tip you towards a total emotional spiral, but it’s best to hold off. You’ll want to keep a clear head now more than ever or you may end up in a tough situation that you never wanted in the first place.