10 Struggles That People Without Anxiety Don’t Understand
Yasinta Zendy

10 Struggles That People Without Anxiety Will Never Understand

“Meeting someone somewhere. What if I get there too early? Too late? Don’t see them? It’s bad enough when I’m meeting people I know. It’s even worse with people I don’t.” — cajunveggies

“Calling for food delivery. I will often settle for something I don’t particularly want simply because I can order it online.” — Cheftard

“Making simple decisions. People (mostly my husband or friends) ask what I want to do, what I want to eat, where do I want to go and I hate making the decision because I’m scared it wouldn’t be something they would enjoy. I have been told many times that my opinion is at least important to take into account, but I still stutter over my words or hesitate when trying to make those kind of decisions.” — SexiKitty–s2—

“Striking up or joining in on a conversation, even with people I know well enough that we could just chat shit for hours and enjoy it. It’s starting the conversation that can be difficult.” — PM_UR_NUDES_4_RATING

“It’s going to a new store/restaurant/attraction that I haven’t been before and worrying about messing something up – going in the wrong entrance, not knowing where to pay, not being able to ask questions, ordering something wrong. It’s usually fine if I go with someone else and I can watch what they do before it’s my turn, but if I need to go alone is a very long process and very uncomfortable.” — brandi_r

“Making a phone call. I have to write down a general outline of everything I have to say, and even then I procrastinate until the absolute final moment. I’m not likely to make a doctor’s appointment unless I’m seriously concerned that I’m dying. And if the phone rings my heart rate immediately speeds up, even though most the time it’s just my mom.” — [deleted]

“Making/preparing food when someone else is in the kitchen is the worst thing imaginable. Especially if they comment on what food you have. ‘Doughnuts and cookies huh?’ Welp…Time to end my life.” — KeelsDB

“Job interviews are torture. Not the interview itself (though those are difficult) but the few days leading up to it.” — Cheftard

“It takes me a really long time to write simple emails and text messages. I want nothing to be left to question and be very specific without sounding like an anal person. I also have ask a lot of clarifying questions when I’m asked to do something to make sure that I’m doing things right, I really like specifics. General requests are super difficult and I will spend an hour trying to figure out what I think I should do if I don’t get very clear instructions.” — follyflop

“I have a hard time doing anything when people are watching me or when I think people are watching me. I become extremely flustered and self-conscious, worrying that they’re judging me on everything I’m doing, even though logically, I’m doing nothing wrong, and they’re probably not even judging me in the first place. Anxiety sucks.” — Raisu-