13 Personality Traits That Magnetize Men

13 Charming Traits That Make Women Irresistible

“Things like confidence, a good sense of humor, intelligence, all that is super important… But for me, the sexiest thing a woman can do is be calm. Not calm as in quiet, as in calm when shit goes sideways or something unexpected happens. Having someone who is reliable and stable as a partner is so crucial in life.” — StaleBiscuit13

“I want someone self-dependent. Someone that chooses me and could go if they were unhappy, not someone who would settle for me for lack of options.” — dWintermut3

“Accountability. If she can openly admit when she’s wrong or that she fucked up that’s attractive as it shows maturity and ability to judge yourself impartially and it means you are less likely to repeat the mistake.” — nonbones

“Not exclusive to girls, but having a hobby/interest that they are very knowledgeable/passionate with. Even if it’s something super benign like painting nails or baseball, I just love people who can ramble on about their interest- especially if I’m not into it, it’s like peaking into another world.” — shoeless255

“Adventurous. Being willing to put yourself at risk of humiliation, danger, or failure when encountering new activities is attractive.” — Snoopy363

“Ambition. The most boring people I’ve talked to or dated have been the ones who don’t have a dream and just drift through life.” — yangachi519

“Communication. If you have a problem, say it. If you want something, ask. If I ask, for example, what you wanna eat… Give me an actual answer. Not ‘I’m fine with whatever.’” — astrielx

“Being emotionally intelligent and mature (which includes having kindness, empathy, etc) can go a long way as it shows me that your capable of being a decent person towards myself/others and that you won’t be someone who I have to be careful around. Bonus points if i get a vibe that your a chill person to be around.” — Windermed

“Many people find intelligence to be an attractive trait in a girl. This can manifest in various forms, such as academic achievements, critical thinking skills, and creativity.” — LazyMechanic3061

“Someone with equivalent levels of apathy and laziness, but about areas of life that compliment my own apathy and laziness. That way one of us will always let the dog out or put the kettle on. But I don’t feel too guilty for saying Saturday is a sofa day, I’m not getting dressed.” — WhatIfIReallyWantIt

“If a girl has a talent or skill that took time and dedication and still interests them, it’s incredibly attractive. Like if I’m not physically attracted to someone, then I find out that they play bass guitar or super into making pottery or something, they instantly become very attractive.” — Public-Platypus2995

“Some level of independence, just being comfortable doing her own thing separate from other people, having individual hobbies and goals that don’t involve others, being able to spend time alone and time away from me.” — Spirited-Ad-8061

“Generally speaking, I love it when somebody can find joy in the small things in life. And smiles. Love those.” — lllDomlll