Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiac Signs Who Should Only Drink Mixed Drinks (Never Shots)

Here are three zodiac signs who should only drink mixed drinks (never shots).

1. Scorpio

Scorpio, please. No shots for you. EVER. You would probably plan a successful crime or something or at the very least start a bar brawl or something. It’s in everyone’s best interest, including your own, to steer clear of the tequila shots, rum shots, or anything of that nature. Mixed drinks only, thank you.

2. Pisces

Pisces, you really shouldn’t do shots. You will end up either weeping in the corner or simply falling in love with every single person you meet out during your night of utter debauchery. Stick to sweet drinks, Pisces. It’s for the best.

3. Aries

Aries, you have enough fire as it is, and adding fuel to that fire in the form of shots is a guaranteed way for you to end up arrested or in some kind of trouble. Long Islands are fine, though; we don’t want to completely take away your edge! Go crazy! (Within reason.)