3 Zodiacs Dealing With A Secret (+ Tarot Advice On How To Handle It)
There are three zodiac signs – Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces, who are dealing with a secret right now. Maybe it’s theirs, or maybe it’s one they are keeping for someone else – but it’s about to come into play in a big way.
Below is a tarot reading for each of these signs:
- In Your Past – the not-too-distant past.
- Working For You – something that’s working in your favor or working with you.
- Working Against You – something that is working against you.
- Your Thoughts – your goal, and what your thoughts are focused on.
- Your Subconscious – the subconscious ‘undertow’ of your experience.
- In Your Future – the not-too-distant future.
There are only Pentacles and Cups in this reading, and the presence of both knights of the arcana leads me to believe that this is a secret that involves love and money (or other material concerns). You will weather any storm that the revelation of truth may have to offer.
In Your Past – Knight of Pentacles, Reversed. On one hand, you were recently quite productive – until you started to feel as if things had settled into a routine, and then slumped even further into a rut.
Working For You – Ace of Cups. Your heart is open, Libra, which is an effective way for you to reconnect with your intuition. Your heart can help you navigate situations where you aren’t sure who is telling the truth. Take careful notice of new and awakened feelings.
Working Against You – Two of Pentacles. We’re all called, at some time or another, to split our attention and multitask, sometimes for long stretches of time. But we also know the reality that we’re just flipping between what we have to do very quickly. Your ability to multitask is getting in your way. Take a few breaths to ground yourself and focus.
Your Thoughts – Ace of Pentacles, Reversed. Your thoughts are consumed with the idea that you had a great opportunity that let slip – and you’re determined not to allow that to happen again.
Your Subconscious – Knight of Cups, Reversed. You’re so driven by love that you’re missing some obvious signs.
In Your Future – Four of Pentacles. You’ll soon be surrounded by material abundance, and it will allow you to hold on to financial stability.
There’s a lot of energy, as represented by Major Arcana cards, in your past, thoughts, and future. Don’t forget to be present and ground yourself. This secret is not long for the world – all will be revealed soon enough.
In Your Past – The Chariot. You’ve been steering your life in the direction of your dreams, and recently felt in control of the situation. While you may be working through a lot of opposing ideas, you were able to keep the truth in sight.
Working For You – Five of Wands, Reversed. While you’ve been working through a lot of strife and conflict with others recently, it also gives you insight into their perspective. Your ability to understand their viewpoint will be a helpful guide for you.
Working Against You – Six of Cups, Reversed. The only thing constant in our experience is change, and it’s important that you not allow nostalgia to overtake your reason. Regardless of whether you think people can change, Scorpio, their motivations do. Don’t let your memories of the past interrupt your ability to see the reality in front of you.
Your Thoughts – The Hermit, Reversed. You’ve been dealing with a lot of inner turmoil, and it’s left your mind to be one of the least comfortable places for you. You may find that changes you thought were complete were merely superficial.
Your Subconscious – Queen of Wands. It’s common to be told by the tarot that the answers you seek are within – but they are. You are the one that has the creative fire, that unextinguishable light, that can make the difference.
In Your Future – The Sun. The truth has a way of getting out, and this secret won’t remain a secret for long before it’s revealed.
There’s a lot happening in your subconscious and in your future. Be mindful of any messages that you receive from your intuition. Be prepared to take leadership on how the secret (and ultimately, the truth), should be handled.
In Your Past – Knight of Wands. Quite recently you felt so inspired, so energized by what you were feeling that you dashed forth into the world, certain that you could create something incredible. Not only were you able to keep your own momentum, but you were also able to inspire action in others.
Working For You – Six of Cups. Your memories of the past serve you well. You’ve also come to peace with your past and have been able to honor how far you’ve come and apply the lessons you’ve learned.
Working Against You – Ten of Wands. You’ve taken on a lot, Pisces, but just because you can carry it doesn’t mean that you should. Make sure that what you carry is truly necessary, and don’t carry things that ‘aren’t yours.’
Your Thoughts – Eight of Wands, Reversed. You’ve found it hard to concentrate or focus, and haven’t been able to think with your normal speed. You’ve felt dispassionate and disconnected.
Your Subconscious – The High Priestess. Such secrets can not hold up to your meditations and scrutiny. Intuitively, you know the truth, and your subconscious has been guiding you towards it all along.
In Your Future – The Emperor. Soon you will need to be prepared to take on some leadership, and take control over how things are handled.