Rachel Claire

3 Zodiacs Who Desperately Need A Summer Vacation This Year

We all could use some time off, right? Soaking up the summer sun, creating fun memories with friends and family, recharging after a long winter–it’s all a must as we enter the warmest time of year. Alas, some of us are better at creating space for a summer vacations than others. These three zodiac signs desperately need a summer vacation this year and need to actually make the time to get it. If you’re on this list, start planning now so your summer doesn’t end without any break at all. This is the summer of no regrets.


While you may love your comfort zone and get a lot of joy from being home alone, there is a danger that you’ll choose a staycation over a real vacation just because the thought of leaving home makes you worry. While staycations are nice and better than nothing, you’d feel so much better having a real vacation. Whether it’s a camping trip to the nearby wilderness or a full week in a tropical wonderland, taking that step outside your door and into a relaxing, fun vacation is exactly what you need.


Everyone is expecting to see Virgo on this list, including you, and that’s no mistake. You work hard but you don’t often play as hard. You get so worried about all the things you have to get done that, even when you take some time off, you can never really fully relax. This summer, vow to leave all that responsibility and anxiety behind. You can relax and unwind just like anyone else as long as you allow yourself to go there–and you need it this summer.


You may have lots of ideas for what you want to do this summer–hopefully you actually make them happen! The problem is that you’ve spent months overextending yourself, doing favors for friends, working extra hard at work, that if you don’t have a relaxing vacation, you might just implode. You need this more than ever. Request your time off now and stick to the plan so you don’t end the summer having never taken the time off.