3 Zodiac Signs Who Keep Falling For Men Who Can't Stay Loyal
Twenty20 / barlama.vama

3 Zodiacs Who Keep Falling For Men Who Can’t Stay Loyal

Getting cheated on is one of the worst things that can happen when you open your heart to someone and trust them to treat you right. It’s never easy to deal with the fallout, whether it’s the first time that it’s happened to you or has become a toxic trend. Either way, you can’t blame yourself because it’s not your fault. You can’t control another person’s actions. You can only control your own. Although you deserve someone as loyal as you are, here are the zodiacs who keep falling for partners who can’t stay loyal:


You keep falling for partners who won’t stay loyal because you are such a gentle, trusting soul. You keep giving others the benefit of the doubt, long after they deserve it. You genuinely believe others when they make promises to you, because you have strong morals and would never tell lies in order to get what you want. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same type of heart as you do. Not everyone is going to keep their promises and stay faithful, even if they looked you in the eyes and swore they would do right by you. It’s hard to accept that the people you would do anything for aren’t always going to treat you as wonderfully as you treat them, but it’s a sad reality. Just remember, not everyone is going to betray you like this. There are people out there who will stay loyal. Who mean it when they say they would never want to hurt you. You just have to wait a little longer to find them.


You keep falling for partners who won’t stay loyal, which is frustrating, since you are one of the most loyal signs in the zodiac. You would never dream of betraying your partner because a commitment means something to you. You don’t understand why someone wouldn’t come out and say that they were unhappy with the relationship, or end the relationship, if they were considering cheating. But not everyone thinks the same way as you do. Not everyone is as committed and honorable as you are. Although it’s frustrating that you keep falling for people who can’t stay loyal, remember that this isn’t the way it has to be. Hold out for someone who would never put you through this type of pain and uncertainty. Someone who treats commitment with the same level of respect that you do.


You keep falling for partners who won’t stay loyal because you assume everyone is as blunt as you are. You assume that they’re going to come out and say when they have a problem with the relationship because that’s what you would do. Unfortunately, most people aren’t as honest as you are. And there doesn’t even have to be a problem with the relationship in order for them to cheat. Which is hard for you to wrap your mind around. You don’t know how anyone would hurt someone that they genuinely care about. You don’t know how they could fall asleep at night, knowing what they have done. Although it’s tempting to close your heart off completely after getting hurt this badly, remember that it takes strength to love. You should be proud of yourself for letting someone in, even if it turned out they were the wrong one in the end.