Sergey Makashin

3 Zodiacs Who Will Experience Good Luck This Week

These are the three zodiac signs who’s luck will change for the better, thanks to the Jupiter Cazimi that began on May 18, 2024.


Sagittarius, you are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, happiness, and growth. With that said you are in perfect alignment with good prospects as a result of the Jupiter Cazimi. This energy should enhance your perspective on things and increase your enthusiasm for life in general. As well as the Full Moon approaching on May 23rd, expect to experience a renewal of sorts. Feel inspired to get more organized and if you’re experiencing turmoil with any close ones, now is a good time to squash it. Since Jupiter is the planet of growth, whatever fallouts may have occurred might open opportunities for a stronger bond in the end.


Since the Jupiter Cazimi is taking place in your sign, Taurus, you will especially be feeling the after-effects of this event. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, optimism, and happiness. Since the Cazimi is occurring in your sign, this could result in a newfound sense of stability that you haven’t felt in a while. With your feet planted firmly in the ground, the Cazimi may feel a bit mundane at first but allow this astronomical event to unfold. On top of this, you’ve seen Venus and Sun in your birth chart since the start of May, which could result in positive influences and deepening relationships.


Like Sagittarius, you are also ruled by Jupiter, so this Cazimi may have some very good implications for you, Pisces. A Jupiter Cazimi is associated with miracles and good fortune and you will no doubt feel the effects of this for quite some time. With that said this could be in regards to your emotional stability as well as finances. You may be blessed with good friends who help you excel ahead in your career, or find yourself in some sort of partnership that is mutually beneficial. Just try not to get too into your head about things and allow things to play out as they should.