4 Introspective Zodiacs Who Reflect Like Mirrors
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
Because the words are so similar, “introspection” often gets confused with “introversion.” So let’s clarify the difference between the two:
Introverts prefer being alone or surrounded by only a few people. They are exhausted by crowds and endless social interaction. Introversion is a permanent personality trait.
Introspective people tend to be more introverted than the other signs, but everyone—no matter how introverted or extroverted they are—is prone to introspection at one time or another. Introspection is a behavior rather than a personality trait, so it is temporary. Being introspective means that you are prone to taking some time to look inwardly and slowly pore over your feelings, thoughts, fears, biases, and dreams.
In short, introversion is a permanent personality orientation. Introspection is something that anyone can do.
Here are the four zodiac signs most prone to closing their eyes, looking inwardly, and spending some quality time with their thoughts.
1. Scorpio
A water sign, Scorpio is nonconfrontational by nature. They are ruled by Pluto, the planet of shadows, hidden things, and inner secrets. Intensely introspective, they make the deepest of thinkers. They examine their feelings and thoughts before ever expressing them to other people, almost like a musician perfects a song before ever playing it in front of a crowd. They obsessively pursue making themselves better. They constantly scrutinize their flaws, figuring out ways they can avoid bad behaviors without falling victim to a negative self-image. They weigh their virtues honestly, careful not to become too egotistical. As a result, despite all the time they spend inside their head, outsiders rarely perceive them as self-absorbed.
2. Aquarius
Ever see a cat sit on a windowsill staring outside and then slowly closing its eyes as it vibes with the entire universe? That’s Aquarius when they’re being introspective—suddenly the world outside becomes a distant memory as they launch into the vast uncharted spaces inside their mind, thoughts and memories hurtling by them like stardust as they remain placid, implacable, and calm. Aquarians need some time away from the crowd to recharge and recalibrate. They are ruled by Saturn, which gives them the tremendous inner strength required to become self-critical without being self-hating, to take the good with the bad and see it all as part of the same harmonic process.
3. Virgo
Virgo is, of course, symbolized by the Virgin, which is a metaphor describing the unspoiled, unsullied, untrammeled space inside their souls where they are free to feel, to think, to dream, and merely to exist without suffering the endless clatter of a brutal, cruel, thoughtless, and crude outside world. Virgo is an earth sign, which makes them grounded and deeply rooted all the way to their core. They are perfectionists, but it takes time to assess what is meant by perfection. With every breath they take and every step they make, they strive toward inner purification.
4. Pisces
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and fantasies. To them, nothing that’s happening in the outside world could possibly be more interesting than the interstellar space trip that’s always unspooling inside their heads. Creative and reflective by nature, they make for some of the best artists, poets, musicians, and philosophers. They were born understanding what was meant by Timothy Leary’s 1960s countercultural mantra of “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” More than any other sign, they intuitively grasp what the Tao Te Ching meant when it said, “Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself.”
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
C.G. Jung