4 Tarot Cards That Appear When Things Are About To Change
For many of us, change is scary, especially when it happens without warning. However, deep down most of us know it’s a good thing because it leads to new experiences and opportunities. Not surprisingly, change is a recurring theme in tarot, with various cards offering specific advice on handling the unexpected. Our guide highlights four tarot cards that signify big changes. We will explore the wisdom each card offers us during periods of uncertainty and upheaval.
The Fool
Your adventure is about to begin! The Fool is the first tarot card in the deck. There are twenty-two Major Arcana cards, and this jolly guy is assigned the number zero, which encompasses everything and nothing. The Fool appears when you are starting a new path in life. At the start of this journey, you are both innocent and excited about trying something new, whether that is a new hobby, romance, job, or even relocating.
As you travel through the Major Arcana, the cards that represent the ups and downs of life, you will have moments of happiness and despair. The message of The Fool is to embrace the unknown. Enjoy the success you have and learn from the mistakes you make so that you don’t make them again. If this card appears reversed, the message is to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. The Fool is a sign of positive change because the appearance of this card means the universe has your back. You got this!
Wheel of Fortune
When the Wheel of Fortune appears, it’s your reminder that life is always changing. You should never get too comfortable. For those of us who dislike change, this can be a scary message. However, the Wheel of Fortune signifies positive change is coming, whether it’s fate, destiny, or just plain old luck. So, even if you don’t think it’s good news, do not fear the spinning wheel.
Many decks depict the wheel with four archetypes at the north, south, east, and west points: an angel, an eagle, a lion, and a bull. These represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. They also correspond to the four elements: Air, Water, Earth, and Fire. This card is a reminder that we all occupy different spots on the wheel at different times, so the best thing to do is enjoy the ride. Additionally, it is the tenth card of the Major Arcana, a number associated with completion. Its message is that you have completed a cycle and a new one is about to begin. Embrace the opportunity!
The Tower
No one is happy to see The Tower appear in a reading. The destruction this card symbolizes is evident, from the lightning strike at the top of the tower to the two helpless people falling to the ground. However, there is a positive aspect to this card.
While it is true that a sudden upheaval is shaking the very foundations of your life, it also serves as a reminder that sometimes things must fall apart to move on. You may be hanging on to something that no longer serves you, like a toxic job or relationship.
In astrology, Mars, the planet of aggression and moving forward, rules this card, so the change can feel violent. However, it is also associated with The Chariot in tarot, a positive card that says you have the control and strength needed to overcome any obstacles in your path. So, don’t get upset if this card appears. The Tower’s core message is that change is possible, even when you feel like your world is coming apart. Ultimately, you will grow and learn from this experience and become a stronger person.
Death is the most misunderstood card in tarot, partly because of the way it is portrayed in horror movies and popular culture. This card does not symbolize physical death. It is a card of transformation. Your old self is dying and a new one is emerging. In astrology, it is associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, a zodiac famous for its innate ability to transform and grow. While change isn’t always easy, especially if you are holding on to the past, the message of this card is to let it all go.
Like the Wheel of Fortune, it is a reminder that life happens in cycles. However, while the Wheel of Fortune is a card about fate, the Death card places more emphasis on what you can control. It asks that you look inward. When it appears, it’s a great time to ask yourself what areas of your life need work. Are there self-sabotaging habits keeping you from moving on? What are the tired patterns in your life that hold you back? Let the old self die and experience a dramatic rebirth.