Gökhan Baytekin

4 Very Hot-Headed Zodiac Signs


Aries is an upfront communicator who is never afraid to tell it to you straight especially if you upset them in some way. As a fire sign, they can be very bold, impulsive, and passionate which comes alive in their anger as well. They act on feeling and stand strong when they feel their being wronged in some way. Their fierce courage makes them unmatched arguers that can sometimes let cruel comments slip (out of anger) that they shouldn’t. Watch out for these fiery hot-heads; once they get upset, there’s no reeling them back in.


While most Leos are amiable and kind, they harbor the same fiery temper as their fellow fire sign, Aries. If a Leo feels that someone is crossing a boundary or that they’re being disrespected they can go from calm to pissed in a matter of seconds. And once their hot-headed nature rears its head, a sense of courage and truth spills out from their lips like never before. They stand up for what they feel is right and protect the people they love to the ends of the earth because they’re extremely loyal. If you cross a Leo or someone they adore, be careful, you might receive some wrath.


Scorpio have an intense energy about them as they are deeply profound thinkers and feelers. This intense energy translates into their relationships where they often become entangled in jealous streaks that highlight their insecurities. At times, this intensity is released through anger specifically when they feel someone they care about has broken their trust or crossed a boundary in some way. Scorpios are extremely stubborn so they will not back down from a fight and will stand up for exactly how they feel. For a sign that’s already distrustful of others and scared to open up, do not stab them in the back in some way because it’s guaranteed you’ll pay the price. Not to mention, lose their friendship or their love entirely.


Cancers are typically sweet and sentimental, and while they’re less likely to get angry when it comes to their own feelings, they are quick to anger when it comes to protecting those around them. Cancers are natural empaths that take on the feelings and emotions of everyone from people they love to complete strangers. Especially if they feel someone they care about is being hurt or attacked in some way, a Cancer is more than willing to step up to the plate and tell someone off. Even for a stranger, they’re willing to go to bat if they feel someone is being wronged for no reason. Don’t underestimate the heat this sign has bubbling beneath their surface because once they get mad, they’ll chew you out like no tomorrow.