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4 Zodiac Duos Who Delete Their Apps After The First Date


There are just some crazy mental gymnastics that take place when these two signs rub up together like fire-starting pieces of flint. Virgo picks up what Scorpio drops down, and the result is both signs bringing their full focus and energy to the interaction. Where Scorpio is easily bored by anyone who can’t match their intensity, and Virgo has absolutely no patience for incompetence, the two find a match in each other that scratches a long unreachable itch. They press pause on any other conversations or interactions that were clearly subpar and devote all of their attention to the challenge at hand. It’s way too early to tell where this will go, but even if it’s headed for total disaster, both are strapped in and ready for a wild ride.


Aquarius and Pisces find in each other a soul as sensitive as their own. For the first time in their lives, they feel truly able to open up the parts of themselves that feel the most. The parts they usually fear are too much or too personal for a first date. But the thing with these two signs is that they find all the surface level pleasantries of getting to “know” someone to be entirely too tedious. They’d rather that initial evaluation of compatibility get straight to the heart of who that person is. What makes them tick. Their biggest fears, sources of shame, embarrassment, lust, envy, disappointment. The full spectrum of the human experience. When they are able to interact on that level with each other, the apps immediately get deleted.


Sagittarius and Leo fulfill an unexpected dynamic with each other. Free-spirited Sagittarius is allured by Leo’s social star, no matter how hard they try to downplay it and give off non-plussed vibes, and Leo is refreshed by Sagittarius’ no fucks given attitude and overall golden retriever energy. Sag isn’t trying to people please or read the room, they’re just looking to enjoy the moment, and willing to spend endless hours playing ‘fetch’ with Leo. Because when Leo singles anyone out with their attention, it’s intoxicating. So when these two get together and see an opportunity to mix up their usual day-to-day with each other’s positivity, they let everyone else who was vying for their attention down gently.


Taurus is looking for someone to spoil and split a bottle of champagne with, and Gemini is looking for someone to treat them like royalty and combat the toll their stressful like takes on them. Taurus is the perfect type to whisk them away to a beach full of powdery sand and sun, and Gemini is the one to lean into those plans and fully embrace and appreciate Taurus’ lifestyle. They’ll talk through all of this potential and pose a series of hypotheticals to each other on the first date. Then they’ll have so many plans to follow through on that there’s simply no way they can also fit in dating other people, so the apps clearly have to go.