Thought Catalog

4 Zodiac Signs That Are Disloyal

Not all zodiac signs are as loyal as others. Some may be more likely to stray and act disloyal to friends, family, and loved ones.

For a few zodiac signs, temptation can be especially tricky to resist. Read on to see which four zodiac signs are disloyal. 


As a Sagittarius, you are consistently and staunchly independent. You cherish the ability to do what you want, when you want. At times, doing what you want, when you want, takes precedence over everything else. You are a born adventurer, traveler, and a free spirit. Further, you often rebel against rules, constraints, and schedules. Given your need for independence and freedom, this may stop you from embarking on a long-term relationship. Even if you are in a long-term relationship, you may feel constrained and limited. While you are deeply emotionally intelligent and introspective, you still get caught up in your own head and your own desires. Your own desires may lead to disloyalty. 


As a Gemini, you are personable, communicative, and playful. However, as represented by the twins, you can also be two-faced. You crave continuous stimulation. You are also energized by meeting new people, visiting new places, and experiencing new challenges. As a Gemini you are constantly juggling new passions and new skills. I mean after all you are the social butterfly of the zodiac. However, your desire to follow your passions and continue to lead a dynamic life often prevents you from embracing long-term love. You are fleeting and flying all over the place. Your need for excitement often leads you to put yourself first, even if that means betraying or hurting those around you. 


Aquarius’s are exceptional, clever, and independent. As an Aquarius, you are highly intellectual and many are driven to your mind, imagination, and perspective on life. However, you are so caught up in your own ideas, thoughts, and imagination that you often are swept away by your own mind. As a result, you can sometimes act too detached, focusing on your own imagination rather than on those in front of you. Due to your overactive mind, you can become easily distracted and enticed by temptation. Your mind will roll through so many different possibilities before making a decision. When you make up your mind, there is no going back. Therefore, at times you can be disloyal to your friends, family, and loved ones and make them feel neglected.  


Aries are natural leaders and are represented by the ram. As an Aries, you dive into things head-first, strong, and serious. You are impulsive, bold, and confident. When you decide to do something you are all in. Although this is great at the start of a relationship, when the passion is new and exciting, you may get impatient, bored, and complicit as the relationship goes on. As an Aries, you may find yourself disloyal to your partner as you chase your next passions and ambitions. You are constantly searching for heat and power. If a relationship or friendship no longer serves you, it is on to the next. Once you have your eyes and heart set on something, nothing will deter you from accomplishing your goals. This may lead to disloyalty.