Mikhail Nilov

4 Zodiacs About To Be Swept Up In Their Own Success


It doesn’t take much to overwhelm a Pisces. They’re so in-tune with their routines and regimens that any overnight success is sure to throw them totally out of whack. They can’t handle that level of attention, and will find themselves quickly wishing they could return to their old life of anonymity. Nevertheless, the part of their personality that sought out recognition in the first place is celebrating in secret. It’s a complex mix of seemingly contradictory emotions. On the one hand it feels like their old life is ending, while this completely wild, uncontrollable ride is beginning. All they can do is hold on for dear life and make sure they buckle their seatbelt and keep their hands and legs inside the moving vehicle. 


Leo is used to being in the spotlight and attracting attention, but so far in their career, they’ve been a big fish in a relatively small pond. When their latest endeavor sky rockets to instant popularity, they’ll find themselves blushing from embarrassment. Even with their charisma and social charm, they won’t be prepared to handle paparazzi outside their front door when they head to the gym in their sweatpants. It’s just so much, so fast, and before they felt ready to play in this league. The imposter syndrome will get to their head, and they’ll find themselves questioning their every move. They definitely didn’t expect the pressure that comes with this level of success, or the fear of losing everything they just gained.


Sagittarius loves being a global citizen, but when their recent success take them from tourist to international renown, they’re suddenly nervous to take out their passport. They want to live up to everyone’s expectations, but there is something about doing the same task on an international stage that is exponentially overwhelming. It’s one thing to sample the local street food, and another to successfully close a business deal in another language. Despite their skills, Sagittarius feels like they’ve just started DuoLingo for the first time. The pressure is making them sell themselves short instead of rising to the occasion. It’s a big change to add that ‘Global’ in front of the title in their e-mail signature, but they need to remember that they’ve been given this responsibility for a reason.


Winning an unexpected award changes everything for humble Gemini. Like a Michelin star on a taco cart, it’s just something no one ever expected, and no one has any clue how to navigate. Suddenly everyone is swarming to see them, from far and wide, and they’re not prepared to increase their output to satisfy all of their new customers. They’ll have to hire more people to help support their small business, and figure out a way to meet this new demand. It may not be what they set out to accomplish in any way, but suddenly they’re presented with an occasion to rise to, and Gemini hates letting people down. If there is something they have to offer to the world, they’ll feel that responsibility personally.