Vlada Karpovich

4 Zodiacs Beginning A Personal Metamorphosis In February


For someone so set in your ways, Virgo, a metamorphosis can be a terrifying thing. But no one is nominating you for an episode of Queer Eye. The transformations about to take place within you have nothing to do with your hair, your wardrobe, your home, or your self-confidence, but they have everything to do with your inner emotions. The chaos and the turmoil that’s been brewing inside will be tempered. What’s dark and boiling furiously now just needs some milk and sugar added to transform into a soothing cup of chai. There is room inside you for calmness and mindfulness to balance out the harshness and the wit. You don’t always have to be on offense as a form of defence. You can build and become your own safe space.


Your metamorphosis, Pisces, is about allowing your inner world to externalize itself. You’ve spent enough time refining your ideas and thought processes, the same way an artist puts their final touch on pieces before they’re ready for the gallery, but the time has come to debut your work to the world. Yes, your process will always involve and require a certain level of solitude, but it would be a shame to keep the fruits of that creativity to yourself. To avoid a cocoon cliché, post the picture, share the story, and build the Etsy storefront. Open the blinds and let people look into the windows of your mind. The things inside will do the world a great amount of good. Don’t keep it all to yourself. 


It’s simply really, Sag. The time has come for you to take yourself seriously. To stop with the self-deprecating humor and all the other defense mechanisms and say what you mean. Openly care about the things that matter to you, no matter how scary that may be. Stop worrying about what people think, or what they say behind your back, or even to your face. Those comments aren’t worth replaying over and over again while you lose your sleep. It’s time to focus on what you really think about yourself and learn to say those things out loud. Ask for what you want. Put the effort into the things you think are important, not what someone else tells you is. The steering wheel is in your hands, where do you want to go?


Your metamorphosis is about permanence, Scorpio. It’s about planting roots, and trust in other people. It’s about planning for the future, without having an escape plan, or bracing yourself for betrayal or getting left behind. It’s about holding someone else’s hand and sitting with them through the difficult times and emotions long after the initial high of infatuation has faded. It’s paying bills and folding laundry and cleaning out the fridge. You can ask for things that last. You can ask for people to stay. You can structure your life in a way where it doesn’t have to be torn down and packed up in a matter of minutes. You can cultivate instead of being a nomad. You can plant a garden and expect it to thrive.