God & Man

4 Zodiacs that Will Proclaim, “Not Today, Satan!” In The 2nd Half Of April (When the Sun Squares Pluto)

On April 21, the willful Sun squares oppressive Pluto. The powers-that-be will try crushing the spirit of anyone that crosses their path throughout the second half of this month. For certain zodiacs, this will be intolerable. At the risk of their own security, these heroes will challenge the authority of these bullies. This show of bravery will prove an exciting turning point, building confidence and conquering fears. Bring it on!


Placid Taurus is normally the last one to rock the boat. However, when their pride is hurt, this zodiac will make an example of their attacker. It’s possible a politician, authority figure, or father figure will mock the Bull on or around April 21st, triggering a public confrontation. Taurus will turn the tables on their tormentor, criticizing their cruelty and demanding respect. Get out the popcorn—this show will be epic!


A showdown with Leo’s business associate, romantic partner, or rival is due in the second half of April. Normally, the Lion laughs off power struggles, confident in their natural authority. With the approach of May, someone in this zodiac’s inner circle will issue an ultimatum. Rather than back down, Leo will issue a mighty roar, causing the other party to flee in terror. There’s no way this sign will remain in a toxic relationship just to keep up appearances. 


An unhappy home life comes to a head for Scorpio in the second half of April. Whether they’re dealing with an obnoxious neighbor, neglectful landlord, or quarrelsome family, this zodiac will decide they’ve had enough. Moving to a home near a beautiful body of water is a strong possibility. Alternatively, the Scorpion will sell a piece of property that has become a terrible burden. Escaping the reach of controlling people will make this sign feel like they have a new lease on life.


Someone will try to make Aquarius feel guilty on or around April 21st, and this sign just won’t stand for it. The Water-bearer takes great pride in their logical approach in life. If there’s anything this zodiac can’t stand, it’s emotional manipulation. Yes, they will apologize and make restitution when they realize they made a bad choice. However, they won’t ever be pressured into making an apology. Any calculating relative who tries to heap shame on Aquarius will experience a world of pain during the second half of April.