Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Always Keep The Romance Alive


No one does friendship better than a Leo, and the greatest loves of this world are all founded on a solid friendship. Their tried and true methods for maintaining strong relationships with friends translate incredibly well to their love life. They know how to really be interested in someone else, how to listen, how to be supportive, and how to make it known that they care. Their partners always feel like a priority and know their Leo will always maintain a healthy balance between the relationship and other aspects of their life. Work, family, and friends never become a roadblock to romance. They won’t allow it. 


Sagittarians are super sentimental. They will want to recreate a first date, a meet-cute, a memorable experience over and over again. They will find gifts that are sentimental only to the two of you. They love to share words of affirmation, both verbal and written and will always make sure their calendar prioritizes their partner. They are looking for a love life that is well rounded, that makes room for every kind of love language. Their biggest concern is making sure their partner isn’t lacking in any way. They want to provide that emotional support and connection in the long term, long after the initial butterflies have turned into much more comfortable stability. 


Scorpios want to keep it spicy. They can’t handle anything that starts to get repetitive or boring, especially in the bedroom. They will surprise their partners with a kiss out of nowhere that leaves them breathless, just to prove they still have that magic touch. That’s the kind of romance they live for, the kind that can’t be anticipated. They’ll blow off anniversaries or Valentine’s Day in lieu of planning some grand gesture on a completely random day. They want their partner to feel loved and wanted just because not because of some gift card holiday obligation. They want their partner to know it comes from their heart and no one else’s.


A Pisces will always see their partner through rose-colored glasses. They’ll never forget the initial things that drew them to the relationship, the qualities that piqued their interest, and the physical attributes that attracted them most, and they’ll continue to remind their partner of it all throughout the entire relationship. They are the best compliment givers and know how to make their partners feel adored. They cherish the love they find and never take it for granted, always remembering how lucky they are to have found something rare and special. They will continuously gas up their partners, giving them confidence and security they’ve never known with anyone before. Pisces are caregivers, in a spiritual way that allows them to connect with others on a whole new level. Intellectually and emotionally, they go as deep as they can with their favorite human beings. They want to use their time on this earth to build strong relationships and get to know the depths of connection at its absolute fullest.