4 Zodiacs Who Are Prematurely Worrying About Everything This Week
Capricorn is the doomsday planner. The modern day equivalent of the grandparent who stuffed the mattresses and drapes with cash in case the banks shut down. They are always scrounging and saving for emergency funds and stocks. Food, water, toiletries, you name it. There is always more of everything than you could ever need, because they are always waiting for the day where none will be available. While organization and preparedness are worthy of praise, the degree to which Capricorn anticipates future struggles causes more harm than good. They live under much more stress than they need to, or frankly, can handle. No matter how much effort they put in, it never feels like enough. It never feels like the disasters can be held at bay because of the safety nets they’ve built themselves. This week it’s worth asking how much the effort is worth if Capricorn’s quality of life is no more improved as a result.
Sagittarius is always ready to jump ship. They are always ready to initiate a breakup, give their two weeks notice, or wipe the entire slate of their life clean to embark on a fresh start. The slightest mistake, road bump, slip up, or blockage renders the whole endeavor lost. They would rather abandon it altogether than put in the effort to problem solve, remedy, or push themselves to see the project to the finish line. This is the source of their short lived hobbies and pursuits. The knee jerk reaction to get up and walk away from the piano after the first wrong note is played. They don’t realize how much trial and effort and practice is required to reach the heights they aspire to. How many poorly pronounced words and incorrectly conjugated verbs must leave your lips before a foreign languages becomes second nature. Before they ever come close, the baby has already been thrown out with the bathwater.
Scorpio turns every aspect of their life into a game of chess. They are awaiting attack while attempting to maximize their own position at all times. They perseverate over every possible combination of moves, reducing everything to a mere algorithm, a series of choices that follow a predetermined pattern of choices. If this, then that; if that, then this. And on and on until, at last, someone is determined the ‘winner’. If Scorpio never breaks free from this way of looking at life, they will always be at a disadvantage. They will always be playing as black, one step behind their opponent, always needing to respond to the previous move. They will never be at liberty to carve out their own path, set their own tempo, agenda, or style. They will cling so desperately to their own attempt at not losing, they will never be able to enjoy the act of winning.
Taurus is the perfectionist, the bridezilla. The one who’s life is ruined if the smallest detail isn’t exactly as they pictured or desired it. They are always asking and checking and triple checking, to an extreme that begs the question, “are you intentionally setting everyone up to fail?” They are type whose home becomes more museum than anything close to being lived in, because the smallest blemish ruins their most prized possessions. As a result, everything in their lives becomes so stiff and rigid and protected that there is no room to learn and grow in the way flawed human beings need to. It’s impossible to live our lives in a plastic bubble. A pristine action figure still in its box may be worth hundreds or thousands to the right collector, but what, if anything, would you actually do with that box? The product itself is rendered useless for anything other than display.