
4 Zodiacs Who Are Terrified Of Heartbreak

It’s safe to assume that all of us hate heartbreak to a certain extent. It’s that terrible feeling like your ribs are being cracked open and your heart is removed, thrown in the trash, forgotten. But while some of us bounce back quickly from this kind of loss, others are terrified of the mere thought. Are you one of the following four zodiac signs absolutely terrified of heartbreak?


You don’t like when anything ends, let alone your relationship. You’d prefer things to just the same as they are right now, forever, thank you very much. While you know intellectually that that’s impossible, it hasn’t kept you from still hoping that the good times continue to last. The idea of breaking up, of heartbreak, of rejection, is so palpable that you’ll do almost anything to keep it from happening. Unfortunately, Taurus, some things are just out of your hands.


The unfortunate reality of heartbreak for you is that you always take it so personally. You feel like each heartbreak is further proof that you’re unlovable. Babe, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone goes through heartbreak. All of us. So by your logic, none of us are worthy. I know it’s easier said than done, but remember that a breakup isn’t a personal failure. Instead, you’re just realizing that you both don’t work as a couple. You’re not terrible–you just need to find someone who fits you better.


There’s a reason you’re single for long stretches of time. While you might not want to admit it to yourself–and certainly not to someone else–it has much less to do with having “no time” and way more to do with avoiding potential pain. You’d rather only risk a total heartbreak if the relationship seems worth the trouble. And they rarely do. So you wait for something magical, something that will turn your whole world upside down. And until then, you’ll just stay single, thanks. No heartbreak needed here.


You hate being vulnerable. You’d just prefer to keep your walls firmly built around your heart. And since falling in love requires lowering your walls bit by bit, the idea is terrifying. After all, if you’re vulnerable, you’re that much more susceptible to catastrophic heartbreak. And every heartbreak you endure? Well, that’s further proof to you that the whole endeavor wasn’t worth it. You become vulnerable, and you get hurt. Then again, the prospect of staying alone forever isn’t exactly that appealing either, is it? Sometimes the threat of heartbreak is worth it after all.