4 Zodiacs Who Are Total Sweethearts (Until You Hurt Them)
Christophe Meyer

4 Zodiacs Who Are Total Sweethearts (Until You Hurt Them)

Some zodiacs are the sweetest people you’ll ever meet. But that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to treat them disrespectfully or take advantage of them. That doesn’t mean they’re willing to put up with unfair treatment. Here are some zodiacs who are total sweethearts (until you hurt them):


Leos are always willing to make new friends. They are friendly and bubbly and would never say anything to hurt your feelings – unless you throw the first stone. Leos have high standards, so they aren’t interested in sticking around people who treat them terribly. If someone hurts their feelings, then all bets are off. They aren’t going to put effort into treating someone well if they aren’t going to return the favor. They are going to give the same amount that they are receiving, so if you aren’t being nice to them, they aren’t going to go out of their way for you. However, if you’re kind, then they are going to be a total sweetheart.


Scorpios keep their guards high, but they are super sweet. They are good listeners who are always willing to hear what you have to say. They’re always going to be there for you when you need them – unless you betray them. The second they realize that you aren’t to be trusted, their whole attitude is going to change. Scorpios are the sweetest signs you’ll ever meet when you’re on their good side, but they’re the most vindictive sign when you’re on their bad side. You need to be careful because hurting them is going to come with a price. They won’t let you get away with it that easy.


Libras give out plenty of chances. It takes a lot for them to give up faith in you. However, if you hurt them badly enough, then you are going to see a brand-new side of them. A side that they aren’t excited to bring out. Libras usually lead with kindness because they see the good in everyone. They are eternal optimists. But if you hurt their feelings too badly, they are going to cut you out. They aren’t going to think twice before walking away and leaving you in the rearview. And they won’t feel guilty about it. They will feel confident that they’ve made the right decisions because they know how much they deserve. They know there’s no reason to put up with harsh treatment.


Virgos think with their heads over their hearts, so they can usually see your side. They can usually give the benefit of the doubt. They are kind to everyone because they understand that everyone is going through their own battles. However, if you hurt this sign too badly, they are going to do a one-eighty. They are going to switch from being your supporter, your helping hand who would do anything for you, to being a total stranger. Virgos are fixers, but they know when it’s time to call it quits. They know when to cut their losses and leave. They have too much to do to waste time on someone who is never going to treat them right.