4 Zodiacs Who Can’t Commit
Scorpio has been burned too many times to truly trust someone to be there, and more importantly, stay there for them. They know how to enchant, how to engage, how to seduce and tempt and titillate, but they don’t know how to stand their ground, how to have the tough conversations, and how to deal with conflict without running away. They quit the second things turn challenging, because they take it as a sign the party is over. They’d rather be there for a good time than a long time, because they are so convinced that asking for anything different will only end in disappointment. They would rather leave than be left. They would rather run than be left standing in the glow of someone else’s tail lights. No matter how much they want more, they always find themselves settling for less.
Sagittarius is so afraid of being changed. Of being tamed and broken and penned in far away from all of the places they wanted to be. They think love is about letting someone else win, and tell them what to do, and who to be, and how to feel. They think love is a sacrifice of freedom and individuality. A conformity to societal norms that don’t seem suited toward true happiness. Sagittarius is so worried that the one they’re with isn’t ‘the one’, and the longer they stay in one place, the more time they waste meeting as many people as possible, seeing as many places, and experiencing as many parts of life that single people seem to enjoy while people in relationships stay home arguing about what to watch on TV.
Gemini can’t commit because they rush into things too quickly. They look past the red flags and the glaring flaws and let things progress without much thought or contemplation, only to find themselves faced with a relationship that doesn’t have a solid enough foundation to stay the course. They jump from shallow relationship to shallow relationship because they don’t put in the work or the selectivity to wait for something deeper and more soulful. As long as someone is attractive enough and available, they let things take off until they run out of gas, and find someone new to fill that gap. They are so afraid of being alone that they give all the wrong people their time and attention, and fill their time with distractions.
Pisces can’t commit because no one lives up to the standards in their imagination. There is always someone better, more articulate, less confrontational, who never has a bad day or is in a bad mood in their mind, but it’s an unfair comparison. No human can stand up against this ethereal idea of a person. It’s no more than a specter, a conglomerate of literary characters, and romantic tropes. The truth of the matter is that we are all seriously flawed, lonely people, looking for someone to understand us and make us feel seen. Pisces can’t tolerate that level of radical honesty, and prefers the safety of their imagined relationships to the real work of communication and understanding in a dialogue they can’t author from both sides.