4 Zodiacs Who Deserve A Night Out This Week (October 23 – 29)

As the days get shorter, it’s easy to fall into a slump. You get home from work and it’s already getting dark and you have this urge to just curl up under a blanket and zone out until it’s time for bed. But that gets boring–and sad–fast. Instead, the following four zodiac signs should take the opportunity to go out some night this week. Don’t let the changing seasons keep you from having fun and trying new things.


Your default mode is to spend time at home. You’re the homebody of the zodiac and you prefer to stay in your comfort zone, thanks. But even you can get a little stifled from doing the same thing over and over again, every day–especially as the days get shorter. Break up the monotony this week by going out at least once. Even just a visit to your favorite movie theater to watch a spooky flick for Halloween season could be what you need to feel more energized for the rest of the week.


Honestly, if you don’t go for a night out this week, you’ll be inching ever closer to a breakdown. You’re working hard, as usual, but the longer you go without a break, the worse it’ll be. And frankly, you’ve worked hard enough. You deserve this. Send a text to the group chat and suggest a night out on the town. Drinks at the bar, dancing, a party at your friend’s house–whatever it is, it’s time to shut off your work brain and just have some fun.


This is your season, not just because it’s literally Scorpio season, but also because you love the spookiness that comes with Halloween. This week, you deserve at least one night where you celebrate spooky season. Attend Halloween events around town or go to a friend’s costume party. Why not go all out? This is your time to shine, Scorpio.


You’re not one to say no to invitations, but even you have your moments when you just feel exhausted. While you don’t need to go out every night this week, resist the urge to say no to everything in favor of cocooning at home. Do something fun, make new connections, and create memories that’ll last a lifetime (or just long enough to make some really interesting anecdotes you tell at work the next day.)