4 Zodiacs Who Don’t Start Fights (But They WILL Finish Them)

Some zodiac signs are combative. They’re the first ones to start a fight. (I’m looking at you, Aries and Gemini.) And, while there are signs who are more lovers than fighters, there are signs that fall in between. The following four zodiac signs just want to chill out and have fun, but if you start something with them, they aren’t afraid to finish it. Are you one of the signs who isn’t afraid to fight back?


Your sign is characterized as the bull for a reason. If someone tries to butt heads with you, you aren’t afraid to show them the horns. You have a fiery personality if you’re backed into a corner. What sets you apart from the fight-starters is that you’d honestly just prefer to be left alone. You’ll only fight if you have to. But considering how stubborn you can be, the odds of someone else “winning” the fight are so low. You’ll dig your heels in and will never admit defeat. The fight only ends with the person who started it gets too exhausted and decides to just give up.


It’s almost as if you’re always waiting for a fight. If anyone wants to test you, you’re ready with some scathing one-liners and an exhaustive list of all their failings. Your mysterious nature might make you seem like an easy mark, but people learn quickly that you’re not to be messed with. You fight dirty, going for low-blows. Have you hurt people’s feelings in fights? Sure. But you have the attitude of, “Well, they shouldn’t have started it.”


Of the three fire signs, you’re the least likely to start a fight. You’d prefer to just have fun and go on adventures. Still, you have that fiery side that doesn’t put up with terrible people or social injustice. You’re especially likely to fight back if there’s someone you’re protecting in the process. It’s nice to have a Sagittarius in your corner when you need help. You’re also the best to go against the other fire signs, Leo and Aries. They might start the fights, but you’ll put up enough of a good fight to finish it.


The thing about you is that you’re probably the most unassuming sign on this list. You’re pretty chill most of the time, not really ever showing strong emotions, so people might think it’d be easy to win a fight against you. They’re woefully incorrect. You’ll win the fight by presenting an uncaring and cold front. You’re icy, Aquarius. They’ll try to get a rise out of you, and it’ll just bounce off you like you’re wearing armor. The odds that the fight-starter will walk away feeling bad about themselves are very high.