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4 Zodiacs Who Need To Let Go Of Their Ex This Week (November 6 – 12)

Some of us just live in the past. While some signs find it easy to move on, like Aries and Capricorn, others just feel stuck. You might think about how much your ex wronged you, hung up on the ways they ruined your life. Or maybe you think of your ex as the one who got away, reveling in all the ways they made your life better. Either way, it’s time for these four zodiac signs to let go of their exes. You’re just holding yourself back. Take this week to finally say goodbye to the version of your ex that you keep in your mind.


Of all the zodiac signs, you’re the one that most gets hung up on the past. You worry so much about what you “should” have done that you completely miss what’s happening in the present. Of course, that includes any and all of your exes. You think about them a lot. You worry about what you could have done differently, but guess what? You can’t go back in time. You can’t change what has already happened. This week, let go of what could have been so that you can move forward with a fresh, clean slate.


You get stuck in the “what if” that keeps you thinking about your exes. There’s something romantic about the idea of finding each other later in life. While some people do make that kind of reconciliation happen, it’s pretty rare. The reasons why you broke up will probably still exist no matter when you find them again. Or, if the breakup was truly terrible, you might spend too much time romanticizing revenge. This week, finally let it go.


You have a deep well of emotion regardless of whether you let anyone dip a toe in and see what you’re really like. Part of that emotion is a darkness that gets hung up on past betrayals. Every time you get hurt, you consider it further proof that you can’t trust people. But that mistrust is actually holding you back. You’ll have a much harder time finding your perfect partner if you measure everyone you meet against your terrible exes. This week, start learning to trust again.


While you might not hang onto the hurt of from your exes as much or for as long as some of the other signs on this list, you still think about them more than you should. Your exes have become anecdotes that you think are funny, but often just make you look like you haven’t gotten over it as much as you say. You’ll talk about your exes during early dates with new people, and it doesn’t come off the way you want. This week, learn to have interesting conversations without bringing up the sins of the past.