Credit Megan Ruth / Thought Catalog Agency.

4 Zodiacs Who Will Have A Major Breakthrough During Venus Retrograde

Venus is the planet of love, pleasure, creativity, beauty, and womanhood. When it’s retrograde, all of these things go a bit haywire. Relationships end, values are reconsidered, and women’s issues are highlighted.

This summer has felt a little weird due to the fact Venus has been retrograde since July 22nd—in the fiery, egocentric sign of Leo, no less. Despite what you might have heard, retrogrades aren’t always negative.

In fact, some astrologers will die on this hill: retrogrades are not inherently bad at all, simply periods of time in which it is favorable to look inward and reflect on areas of our lives where we are not living up to our full potential.

All the zodiac signs will feel the heat this summer, but certain signs have a lot more in store. Here are some who will inevitably come out on the other side feeling like whole new people.


The excess pride and playfulness associated with Leo has a more serious edge this year, a muted effect common to retrogrades. Leo, this summer is all about reexamining your purpose and productivity in association to others. For the remainder of this summer, you’ll be hyper-focused on your identity, appearance, and physical health. Your self-confidence might waver. That’s why this is the perfect time to step away from the spotlight, reflect on your personal desires and values, and consider who you wish to bring into the next chapter of your life.


As much as it pains you to be still, Aries, it might be time to slow down. With Venus in another similarly hotheaded sign, you can expect a reexamination of the areas of your life that relate to self-love, pleasure, and creativity. A quiet summer of solitude might be just what helps you start cultivating your next big artistic project. Spend time with children or reconnect with your own inner child, seeing the world through a more colorful and vibrant lens. The wild parties can wait until next year.


It’s time for your dark night of the soul, Virgo. You always tend to take life seriously, but now that Venus is in backward motion, you’ll really need to take care of your mental health this summer. Invest in some essential oils and scented candles, break out the sad playlists, and start jotting down the themes that disrupt your dreams over the next few weeks. Healing is a necessary part of the journey, so don’t be afraid to allow yourself the occasional cathartic breakdown. Analysis of your subconscious world, deep desires, and shadow self will be the focus this summer, rather than your external accomplishment—a welcome retreat from your typical routine, Virgo.


This summer, with its darker and moodier atmosphere, is your time to shine, Scorpio. You’re standing on the cliff’s edge right now, about to embark on a serious transformation. Depending on what choices you’ve been making this year, your reputation will either improve, or you’ll be forced to contend with some old skeletons in your closet. No matter what, your career and public profile will be impacted greatly by this Venus retrograde, bringing attention—wanted or unwanted—swiftly toward you. When the colder weather creeps in, you’ll be much more aware of how your actions resonate in the public sphere.