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4 Zodiacs Who Will Have The Luckiest Friday The 13th

While some people think of Friday the 13th as a bad omen–and you can blame both the number and the horror series for that assumption–not everyone will have a horrific day. In fact, for many this day heralds a time of tremendous good luck. The date, a rarity throughout the year, seems to usher in a time when anything could happen, and that includes good things that you would never even expect. Among the zodiac, these four zodiac signs are bound for a lucky Friday the 13th. Are you on the list?


You aren’t the type to shy away from a date on the calendar simply because other people think it’s unlucky. You’re the stubborn and impatient type, meaning that you’ll make your day as lucky as possible just to prove everyone wrong. In order to maximize your luck this Friday the 13th, do as much as you can. Say yes to events, go to new places, and leave your comfort zone. The more you put yourself out there, the more you’ll get in return.


When given the chance to have good luck or bad luck, you’ll always choose good. That might sound obvious, but not everyone thinks of it that way. Instead, you’re the type to always want amazing things for yourself because you deserve it. You’d expect nothing less. In order to maximize your luck this Friday the 13th, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Leos are known for loving the spotlight, so don’t shy away from it.


There may be a part of you that believes in the bad omen of Friday the 13th. After all, you’re a little superstitious, whether you’ll admit it or not. But you have one thing going for you that could prevent your day from turning bad: Hope. In order to maximize your luck this Friday the 13th, you have to believe that you’ll have a good day. There’s power in manifesting the kind of destiny that you’re hoping for, and if anyone can do it, it’s you.


As the moody, spooky, brooding member of the zodiac, you thrive on turning holidays that other people find squeamish into something to love. The odds are good that you’ve already been loving every Friday the 13th for years now, and this year is no exception. In order to maximize your luck this Friday the 13th, lean into what makes this holiday special. Do something fun and spooky, wear your best black duds, and have a good time.