4 Zodiacs Who Will Lose Interest If You Go Too Long Without Texting
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Will Lose Interest If You Go Too Long Without Texting

You might feel like playing hard to get will win your crush over. But some people aren’t interested in mysteriousness. They believe in out of sight, out of mind. Here are a few zodiacs who will lose interest if you go too long without texting them or meeting up with them in person:


Leos want to be pursued. They want to feel wanted. If you aren’t bothering to text them, then they’re going to assume you aren’t interested. Or, at least, that you aren’t interested enough. This sign wants to know that you’re wild about them, that they’re the only one you’re interested in dating, that they wouldn’t be wasting their time by getting hung up on you. If you want a Leo to like you too, then you need to give them plenty of attention. You need to make your feelings for them clear. Otherwise, they’re going to find someone else who makes them feel special, who doesn’t make them wait weeks for a simple text. 


Geminis can lose interest quickly. One day, they might be wild about you and the next, they will be focused on something else entirely. This sign is all about communication, so they want to keep in close contact with the people who matter the most to them. This doesn’t mean they want to feel suffocated and have you messaging every few minutes. But they don’t want you to go weeks without speaking to them either. They need a happy medium. They need to know that you’re around whenever they want to talk and that you’re excited to hear from them. Otherwise, they will get distracted and move on.


Scorpios need constant reassurance that you feel the same way, that you are as invested in the relationship as they are. If you leave them hanging, they are going to assume that you have lost interest, so they will lose interest. They don’t want to be the only one who cares, so they will flip their emotions off like a light switch. They will grow bitter and forget all about you since you’ve clearly done the same. If you want to date a Scorpio, then you need to be obvious about where you stand. You need to make it clear that you are serious about them and text them whenever you have the chance. They don’t need constant messages, but they need you to be consistent. They need to know you haven’t changed your mind about them.


Pisces are surprisingly talkative. They want to hear what you have to say and want to ramble on about whatever is on their mind. They value communication because a healthy relationship cannot exist without it. Even if you’re at the early stages of a relationship, they expect you to keep in touch. They expect you to answer their texts and to text them first. If you drop off the face of the planet, they’re going to assume you’re done with them. They’re going to start the healing process and try to move on from you. If you actually want to date them, you need to act like it. You need to show you care, and texting is the bare minimum way to do that.