4 Zodiacs Who’ll Have The Best Luck This Weekend (October 13 – 15)
The weekend is starting off strong thanks to Friday the 13th. While people often consider this a bad omen, more often than not, it creates a wave of good energy. Though every zodiac has the power to create some good luck of their own, these four zodiac signs may just be the luckiest. Get ready for an epic weekend.
Though you might shy away from change, your luck is red hot this weekend when it comes to favorable outcomes. The epic failure you fear will happen if you make this decision you’ve been avoiding? Yeah, it probably won’t happen the way you think. Just pull out all the positive energy you can muster to manifest the good luck you need. You’ve got this, Leo! Do the thing that scares you. It’ll be fine.
You might have a huge to-do list this weekend. Your days and nights might already be packed with the brim, very little time left over for relaxation or spontaneous fun. Your best luck will come from deviating from the plan. You don’t have to throw away your task list entirely. Just be open to moments that encourage you to go outside your comfort zone. Say yes when friends–or your crush–ask you to do something interesting. The more you say yes, the more this good luck will follow you.
This is the best time of year for you. It’s Friday the 13th, it’s spooky season, it’s the height of fall. If any zodiac sign is going to have a lucky weekend, it’s you. While you could probably just sit back and let the good luck find you, why not make yourself a little easier to spot? Do something bold this weekend. You probably have something in the back of your mind that you’ve been wanting to do for a while now. Now’s your time. Take the leap and never look back.
Here’s your call for adventure this weekend, not that you needed it. You’re usually ready to do something fun and interesting, but this weekend is the best for having an epic and spontaneous time. All your best memories happen when you just go with the flow, and this is no exception. See where the universe takes you this weekend and say yes to as many interesting opportunities as you can (while staying safe, of course). You’re about to experience the next anecdote you share at parties.