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4 Zodiacs Whose Lives Will Change During the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Back in the summer, the nodes moved into Aries and Libra, starting a new karmic cycle surrounding themes of war, justice, and retribution. The recent solar eclipse in Libra put the spotlight on the four cardinal signs, but this Friday’s partial lunar eclipse at 5° of Taurus will impact a different group for different reasons.

Occasionally, we experience eclipses outside of the nodes. This Taurus eclipse is one such case. It’s wrapping up part of a cycle that began back in 2021, bringing closure to the area of your chart which is ruled by the sign of the bull. After this weekend, you may experience a feeling of relief, as though a certain chapter of your life has ended.

The four fixed signs will be most dramatically impacted by this eclipse. But this will come as no surprise, if you’re one of the following zodiac signs. You’ve been struggling under the weight of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle for the past two years, and you’ll likely be very grateful to see this dramatic period of your life finally come to an end.


Your sense of identity has been unstable these past two years, Taurus, as you’ve been forced to step into the limelight unexpectedly. Whether you’ve enjoyed the attention or found it terribly intimidating, you’ve likely handled it with your characteristically Taurean resilience and set the stage for long-term success. If you’ve put in the work to achieve more notoriety, you will reap the rewards now. This weekend’s eclipse in your first house of self and physical appearance will bring the light at the end of the tunnel you’ve been waiting for.


A tense square between your sign and Taurus will make this an eclipse to remember, Leo. Your reputation has taken a hit over the last two years, and you’ve been consumed with more drama in your daily life than usual. The final Taurus eclipse will take place in your tenth house of career and public image, pulling forth some secrets you might prefer to keep off social media. This tense period of your life is nearly over, so no matter if you face conflict this weekend, do your best to avoid letting your emotions run the show. Remember that the gossip will inevitably die down and this, too, shall pass.


Is it fair to say that your love life has been challenged over the past two years, Scorpio? This final lunar eclipse in your seventh house of marriage, business partnerships, and open enemies will expose the foundation of your closest relationships—for better or for worse. You’ll know everyone’s true intentions by the end of this weekend. You can be sure that any relationship that remains standing after this eclipse is built on solid ground. Don’t grieve those that don’t. They were never meant to last forever.


For the past two-year eclipse cycle, there has been a tense disconnect between what you want and what your family expects from you, Aquarius. The final lunar eclipse in your fourth house of domestic affairs will transform your private home life permanently. It’s unlikely your individuality and autonomy has been respected by those closest to you, and chances are you’ve had to face some chaos at home. You can anticipate some shocking revelations about your relatives this weekend, but this insight will help guide you towards a more stable sense of self.