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5 Signs He Has Commitment Issues (And You Need To Move On)

He won’t make plans.

If he frequently cancels or changes plans at the last minute, it very well could mean that he’s not ready to commit. If he messages you “Maybe! I’ll let you know,” or is super inconsistent with his communication, he’s not ready to commit. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but he doesn’t care enough about your relationship to try harder. He doesn’t care to put in an effort in being less flaky and aloof.

If he seems to lack any concrete plans for the future or avoids talking about long-term goals together, it could be a sign that he’s not thinking about a future with you. If you talk about the future but he never considers you in those plans, he’s not interested in seeing you for very long.

He openly talks about his fears of being tied down.

If he openly talks about how he loves his freedom and being able to do whatever he wants, it could be a sign that he’s not ready for a committed relationship.

He keeps an emotional distance.

Some people have a hard time opening up and being vulnerable with their partners. It’s very understandable, and you should never force your partner into talking about their feelings.

However, it’s different if he’s keeping an emotional distance between you on purpose. If he doesn’t talk about the personal details of his life — like, ever — this could be a sign of commitment issues.

He has previous relationship patterns like this.

Whether he’s had a lot of relationships or just a few of them here and there, it’s important to know how long those relationships lasted. Why? It’s to make note of any pattern of getting close and pulling away. So when or if he does that to you, you won’t be completely blindsided.

He avoids labeling your relationship.

If he doesn’t want to put a label on the relationship (“boyfriend/girlfriend”), that’s a red flag. If he uses the excuse “We’re having fun like this, why bother putting a label on things? I feel like that just creates unnecessary pressure.” — run. His being uncomfortable and dismissive with the talk of labeling your relationship is not something you should have to deal with.