5 Zodiac Signs That Are Likely To Be Saints
Ever met a saint? I’ll bet you have. You probably know several saintly people but never thought of them as saints because they didn’t match the image you’ve seen from ancient church paintings—they didn’t have halos and weren’t wearing sandals and tunics.
But being a saint has nothing to do with wearing long, flowing robes and everything to do with one’s character. Saints are not materialistic or ego-driven—they are more concerned with justice and spiritual matters. They are self-sacrificing without being masochistic and good without being self-righteous. You will never hear saintly people talking about how good they are, because that’s the sign of an insecure sinner. And they are not loud, obnoxious, or easily angered—as the cliché puts it, they have “the patience of a saint.”
These are the five zodiac signs most likely to have the soul of a saint. They include two ethereal air signs, two emotional water signs, and one grounded earth sign.
Regarding those who didn’t make the cut: Scorpios are a little too dark and vengeful to be saintly. Leos and Aries are a bit too proud and flashy. Geminis are too inconsistent. Tauruses are too stubborn, especially when it comes to admitting when they’re wrong. Capricorns are too pragmatic to pay much attention to spiritual matters. Sagittarians are daredevils by nature, and devils can’t be saints.
This doesn’t mean that any of those other signs are bad people; they just serve other purposes. It takes all kinds. In fact, a world filled with nothing but saints would be kinda boring.
1. Pisces
Widely revered as the most spiritual of all the zodiac signs and represented by the fish—an ancient and enduring symbol of Christianity—Pisces snags top spot on this list without even trying. Being ruled by the planet Neptune, which was named after Roman mythology’s god of the sea, lends Pisces a mystical and psychic spirit and a soul not afraid to dream. Merciful and compassionate, they can see the divine in anything, whether it’s a freshly sprouted dandelion on a spring morning, a young child’s smile, or a clumsy little puppy chasing its own tail.
2. Cancer
Although females account for only about 15 percent of saints that have been canonized by the Catholic Church, this deeply emotional water sign brilliantly reps the maternal side of saintliness. Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are nurturing, caring, intuitive, and attuned to their loved ones’ needs. Even if you’re a stranger, they will treat you as a long-lost friend. If you are shivering outside in the cold with nowhere to go, they will invite you into their house, throw a log on the fire, and warm up some homemade soup. And right when you’ve finished the soup, in they walk with a tray of piping-hot chocolate-chip cookies. And just like a saint, they expect nothing in return. Nursing you back to health is their reward.
3. Aquarius
Just like creative geniuses, saints often go unacknowledged during their lifetime. In extreme cases, they are persecuted and treated as heretics. Aquarius, with their penchant for questioning authority and marching to the beat of their own drum, is probably the most non-conformist sign of them all. They may even scoff at organized religion and reigning moral codes. Yet underlying all that is the fact that they are the sign with the most burning and inextinguishable commitment to social justice and doing the right thing. This gives them an inner strength and purity of motive rarely found in mere mortals.
4. Libra
This air sign’s most dominant trait is their unerring sense of balance, fairness, and harmony. Libras have a deep connection with nature, and nearly all world religions arose from humankind’s fascination with observing and trying to explain the endless miracles and wonders of not only our immediate environment, but the vast expanses far beyond our reach where the stars glitter and dreams are born. Since Libras are inclusive and open-minded, they see a common thread uniting Christian saints, Hindu gurus, and Buddhist bodhisattvas—they are all seeking the same universal truths.
5. Virgo
The end game of many world religions is achieving complete purification. Christians can’t get into heaven if they have any sin on their souls, and even a tiny speck of bad karma means that Hindus must endure the drudgery of reincarnation before they can escape the cycle of birth and death. As the zodiac’s arch-perfectionist, Virgos are well-suited for the saintly lifestyle. Represented by a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat, Virgo season coincides with harvest season, where wheat is separated from the chaff, symbolizing the purification process.