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5 Zodiacs Who Need A Digital Detox In March

1.      Leo

Social media and Leos are two peas in a pod—most of the time. Whether they post their lunch or a new outfit, they love the attention they get—so much that they could post ten selfies a day and a couple of stories. But that amount of effort does get to them. And suddenly, they’re less present and might need a couple of days away from their phone. That way, they clear their heads and ease their anxiety.

2.      Libra

Libras love keeping tabs on their friends and family on social media. Whether it’s an engagement or a birthday, they are always one of the first ones to like a post. But it could lead them to spend hours on their phone. And suddenly, they feel more drained than ever and could use a nap. Logging off for a few days could be beneficial. And even muting notifications could also help.

3.      Aquarius

Aquarius loves the community feel of social media. That’s why they’re on there all the time. Whether they’re part of a Facebook group or keep tabs on Instagram, they can’t help but scroll through their feed for hours. But it could take a toll on them and their mental health. Unfollow that account that doesn’t make you feel good, or even delete the accounts you don’t use.

4.      Gemini

Geminis love seeing what everyone is up to. From the new recipe, you’re trying out to someone new you’re dating. But their curiosity can leave them stuck on social media for hours, and that can’t be great for their social life or job. Try spending only three hours a day on your phone and see how that goes. Or even pick up a book an hour before you sleep.

5.      Pisces

Pisces loves escaping through social media. Where else can they watch videos of cute animals on a loop? To them, it’s mildly therapeutic to become invested in another person’s life than their own. But they do tend to overdo it. And it could take time away from their day-to-day. Continue investing in your offline hobbies. Log off every weekend, or even put your phone away when you’re not using it.