5 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than In An Almost Relationship
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5 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than In An Almost Relationship

You never want to settle for less than what you really want, what you really deserve. Which is why some zodiacs would rather stay single than get involved in an almost relationship where they aren’t sure where they stand. Here are the zodiacs who would rather be alone than in an almost relationship:


Taurus, you’re all about commitment. You are searching for a serious relationship and don’t have time to entertain people who feel differently. Plus, you’re an overthinker, so you need constant communication and reassurance in your relationships. You need your person to be clear with you about their feelings and expectations. Since almost relationships are so unpredictable and undefined, they make you uncomfortable. You would rather be alone than deal with all the questions.


Leo, your standards are extremely high. You aren’t going to waste your time with anyone who isn’t head over heels for you because you know how much you bring to the table. You know anyone would be lucky to have you. You would rather be alone than in an almost relationship because you don’t want someone who feels ‘ehh’ about you. You don’t want someone cool with the possibility of losing you. You want someone who is excited to start a relationship with you, excited to work as a team and show you off to the world. If they aren’t matching your enthusiasm, then you can do better. And since you’re so independent, you don’t mind staying alone until you find someone who is willing to go that extra mile.


You aren’t going to bother with people who don’t value you. You have absolutely no problem kicking someone out of your life if they aren’t rising to your standards, if they are giving you less than you are giving them. You would rather be alone than in an almost relationship because you aren’t interested in chasing anyone. You aren’t interested in the insecurities and uncertainties that come along with liking someone you aren’t sure likes you back. If you’re going to get into any sort of relationship, it will be with someone who is straightforward about what they want and how they feel about you.


You would rather be alone than in an almost relationship because you honestly don’t mind the single life. You’re a pretty independent person, so you’re capable of taking care of yourself. You’re only going to enter a relationship if you’re confident it will be a positive change in your life — and nothing about an almost relationship seems positive to you. It seems like a recipe for self-doubt and frustration. So until you find someone who is willing to make a commitment, you are going to stay single.


You would rather be alone than in an almost relationship because you’re looking for consistency and commitment. Almost relationships aren’t going to meet your most basic standards, so you aren’t going to waste your time with them. You have more important things to fit into your schedule. Since you’re such a busy person, the only way you’re going to make time for someone is if they feel worth the trouble. And an almost relationship is almost never worth the trouble, in your opinion.