olia danilevich

4 Zodiacs Who Need The Truth To Come Out (And Set Them Free)


You’ve kept your feelings to yourself for SO long, Scorpio. Who you’ve been wanting to save or spare is up for debate, but it’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out and unties you from this uncomfortable lie that’s been more uncomfortable than a poorly textured sweater. You’ve known this has been untenable long term, and perhaps you’ve even been giddy with anticipation waiting for all the pretext to be burned to the ground in the process. Your genuine desire and emotion will be welcomed by the crowd who can handle them, and those who can’t are welcome to exit the building. There’s no room for anyone who isn’t on board with you reclaiming your power in the immediate future


You have been playing dumb for ages, Pisces. Pretending not to notice how inadequate everyone around you is, while they preach and prattle on pretending to know everything about everything. Goodness knows how you’ve held in each snicker and chortle, but the time has come for your inner pool shark to clean house. You will mop the floor with these inferior intellects, and they won’t even have time to blink before you hit them like a freight train with some real knowledge. Sure, you have been reading fan fiction over there in the corner, but no one noticed the Foucault and bell hooks next to it. They won’t make the mistake of underestimating you ever again once they realize their error.


You know the way you always pretend not to be hurt when people completely backstab you, Virgo? The way you ghost without blinking, leaving everyone to think you’re heartless or a robot or eat nails for breakfast? While that lie may have prevented many a fool from messing with you, it’s also kept a lot of kind and gentle people from coming to comfort you in your times of extreme need. No one comes out of life unscratched or unscathed, so you may as well drop the act at this age when most people have wisened up to your emotional sleight of hand. You can’t distract and redirect forever, Virgo, so expose the wounds before it’s too late for them to heal


You’ve been carrying someone else’s secret for an inordinate amount of time, Leo, and it’s been weighing you down and giving you nightmares. You know once the news comes out, there will be no saving your friend’s reputation, and you’re afraid for what they’ll have to face as a result. Selfishly, you are also scared about what your connection to them will mean for you personally, and who may possibly blame you for faithfully keeping this information to yourself for so long. You’ve made your bed, so you may as well learn to lie in it. Hold your breath, close your eyes, and let the worst of it wash over you. You’ll come out the other side of this wave intact.