Grace Chung

These Are The Full Moon Side Effects Every Zodiac Sign Can Expect This Week

It’s no secret that the idea of the Full Moon affecting us is a common thought—even outside of astrology circles. Yet the ways it affects us can often feel like a mystery.

In astrology, the Moon represents our emotions and inner world. It feels deeply personal to us because it is deeply personal. So when the Moon is full, it is associated with an emotionally charged period full of release and revelation—which can lead to some strange feelings on our end. 

On November 8th, the Full Moon will be in the sign of Taurus—a sign interested in stability, loyalty, and security. The Moon itself is comfortable in Taurus and feels at home in a sign that craves emotional stability. However, this particular event coincides with a Lunar Eclipse, meaning that the usual energy is dialed up a few notches. This isn’t a time for big decisions or manifesting–it’s a time to sit and try to stay afloat. As a fun twist, The Moon will be conjunct (or in conversation with) the planet Uranus—a planet associated with rebellion and turning things on its head. So unexpected surprises are to be…well, expected. This isn’t meant to be anything scary or threatening—you just may experience a little more chaos than usual.

So what does that mean for the zodiac signs? Well, let’s say if you’re feeling a little under the (astrological) weather, you won’t be alone—though the side effects for each may appear differently. Check out your sign (including your Moon and Rising) below to see what Full Moon side effects you can anticipate for this transit! 

Aries: Side effects may include temptations to spend your hard-earned cash and stressing over finances

With the Full Moon appearing in your 2nd House of finances, money is certainly on your mind in more ways than one. You might feel the urge to either blow a ton of cash on something specific or have opportunities to gamble your hard-earned investments—don’t fall for it. Your ambitious nature is always evident in your life, but this Full Moon energy isn’t the most calming or rational. Your desire to save money/accumulate resources is more than understandable, but you need to take some time to rethink your spending rather than take big risks.

Taurus: Side effects may include intense self-reflection, overwhelming emotions regarding decisions in your personal life

With the Full Moon occurring in your sign (and your 1st House of Self), you’re likely to experience some overwhelming emotions involving your personal life. You’ve been reflecting lately on who you are and who you want to be, and all of that is coming to a peak during this time—which is a lot to stomach, even for the most stubborn of signs. Feel your feelings, because stuffing them down isn’t going to do you any good, I promise.

Gemini: Side effects may include a desire to disconnect and abstract, weird dreams 

With the Full Moon moving through your 12th House of Spirituality and Secrets, it’s no shock that you’ll feel out of sorts during this transit: emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Feeling the urge to unplug and retreat from the outside world? Do it—everyone needs a break, and while you often don’t like to listen to your mind and body when it reminds you of this, it’s the best thing you can do for yourself right now. Also, you’ll likely have some weird dreams that don’t make sense entirely, but don’t worry too much—record them down in a dream journal to revisit later.

Cancer: Side effects may include dealing with friend drama or friendship breakups

Your friendships are going through the wringer right now, whether you’re directly involved or not. The Full Moon taking place in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking means your group chat might start blowing up about some friend drama that’s been settling under the surface for a while now. Supporting your friends is one thing, but don’t get dragged into the center of it—especially if it’s not your fight. On the other end, you could find yourself going through some tense moments in your friendships, including the realization that it’s time to let go of certain people. Be gentle with yourself—even if it’s the right call, it doesn’t mean it isn’t painful. 

Leo: Side effects may include work burnout, an existential crisis about your career path

You’ve worked hard to make a name for yourself, Leo, but this Full Moon taking place in your 10th House of Career is throwing some questions at you. You may experience some burnout surrounding your job—you’ve been giving it your all, but where is it getting you? Don’t forget that while your job is important, it isn’t more important than your physical or mental health. You also may feel yourself dealing with an internal crisis about your current state in life—is there where you expected to be? If so, is it actually everything you hoped it would be? This doesn’t mean up and quitting your job, but this is a time to sit with those questions and know that they aren’t a threat, just your inner self trying to work through a few things.

Virgo: Side effects may include an urge to gossip, struggling against mob mentality 

With the Full Moon moving through your 9th House of Higher Learning and Philosophy, you may experience an influx of information surrounding some touchy subjects—whether it’s gossip from your inner circle involving personal affairs or a barrage of info about larger topics affecting the world at large. The temptation to pour gas on the fire, or to simply agree with the general opinion, might feel pressing at this time, especially under such an emotionally charged transit. Still, it’s important to keep a level head. Take a step back from media and socials if you need a fresh perspective.

Libra: Side effects may include anxiety about your relationships, struggling with self-love

Relationship anxiety is real and will likely show up for you as the Full Moon transits through your 8th House of Intimacy, Bonds, and Other People’s Resources. You may confront some fears about your connections and feel more sentimental/in need of intimacy during this time—and if your partner isn’t on the same page, it could cause some tension. However, the important thing to keep in mind is voicing what you need, not expecting a person to read your mind. You’re worthy of love, and it’s okay to believe that.

Scorpio: Side effects may include ditching the rose-colored glasses around your partner, intense emotions surrounding your relationships

Your 7th House of Relationships may experience a shake-up during this Full Moon in your sister sign of Taurus. You’ve been doing some inner work and self-reflection this season, but the Full Moon is turning your direction toward your relationships. You know what you want and need, which is causing you to view connections in a different light; if you’re currently partnered or seeing someone, the rose-colored glasses may fall away for you to see who they are and whether they can be a good partner for you. If you’re single, you’re likely feeling the heaviness surrounding future love, but you also are more aware of what you’re looking for.

Sagittarius: Side effects may include burnout, being overwhelmed with schedules, trying to do it all

Life comes at you fast, and no one knows that better than you, Sagittarius. However, the Full Moon is appearing in your 6th House of Habits and Health, meaning you need to slow down and take a break, whether you want to or not. You tend to have a lot going on, and burnout has been approaching faster than you care to admit—it’s okay to say no to things and rest. FOMO may sometimes set in, but you need to recharge and take care of yourself rather than pretending you can do it all right now.

Capricorn: Side effects may include impulsivity and recklessness

Your sign is often associated with all work and no play, but the Full Moon is giving you some permission to flip the script, Capricorn. Occurring in your 5th House of Romance, Creativity, and Pleasure, you may feel a strong desire to cut loose and have fun for once. Contrary to popular belief, you are allowed to enjoy yourself every once in a while, and though you should not go too crazy (there are limits, you know), it’s not a bad thing to be impulsive once in a blue moon.

Aquarius: Side effects may include feeling homesick, resurfacing of childhood wounds, a desire to redecorate the house

You’re feeling homesick, Aquarius—at least, kind of. Your 4th House of Home and Roots is getting the spotlight under this Full Moon, opening up some childhood wounds and conflicts you have been trying to ignore. You don’t have to dwell on your past, but acknowledging it is still crucial to healing, even if it hurts sometimes. You may also feel a compulsive desire to change up the layout of your home or even entertain moving somewhere else altogether—maybe don’t make permanent decisions, but still feel free to entertain the idea of change. Home can be in more than one place, you know. 

Pisces: Side effects may include reaching out to old friends, intense nostalgia for what used to be

The past is calling your name (though honestly, when is it not, Pisces?) as the Full Moon works through your 3rd House of Close Connections and Communications. The urge to reach out to someone you haven’t heard from in a while may be pretty intense during this time—checking in with someone heavy on your mind can be a good thing. The important thing to remember is that if they don’t respond, don’t take it too personally—and don’t blow up a person’s phone demanding a conversation. Sometimes just reaching out is enough.