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This Is The Zodiac Sign You Have The Most Trouble Flirting With


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Cancer. You’re always upfront and honest about your intentions, which is refreshing to most people, but this can come across as intimidating and maybe even a little harsh to a Cancer. This sensitive sign is going to take everything you say to heart and will assume that your playful teasing means you can’t stand them.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Leo. You like to take relationships slowly and develop a connection over time, but Leos want to be showered in praise and affection right away. They won’t enjoy your slow pace or your reluctance to get attached to someone new. They prefer unbridled passion, but you prefer to show your affection after getting to know each other better.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Scorpio because they will want a lot of your attention. They tend to have jealousy issues and can be pretty possessive, which will be hard for you to stomach. You won’t want to report back to them all the time, because you prefer doing what you want when you want. While there might be some passion at first, the flirting will quickly become a chore with them.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Libra because they are friendly with everyone. It will be incredibly hard for you to tell whether they’re treating you the same way they treat everyone else or whether you’re special. Their mixed signals are going to confuse the hell out of you because one day they’ll treat you wonderfully and the next they’ll be out of sight speaking to someone else.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Capricorn because they rarely wear their hearts on their sleeves. You’ll want them to give more than they’re willing to give, especially during the flirting stages. Since they will never make their feelings entirely clear, you’ll feel like you’re flirting with a brick wall and getting no response.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Sagittarius because they are unpredictable. You prefer to stick to a routine, so planning dates with them will feel like pulling teeth. You’ll have trouble getting on the same page because you want to know what you’re doing weeks in advance while they want to wait until the last second for everything. Your way of dealing with things couldn’t be more different.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Virgo because they are so commitment oriented. They’ll want to know everything about you, especially your future plans and your intentions with them. But you don’t always know your intentions. You would rather go with your gut and see where your heart takes you. Flirting with them is hard because it feels more like you’re on a job interview than having fun with friends.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Gemini because they’re not going to give you straight answers – and you need honesty, you need consistency, you need to know you can trust this person when push comes to shove. Their wishy-washy answers and vague promises won’t cut it for you. You need someone who comes through for you, not someone fickle.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Taurus because you are a spontaneous sign – and they need structure to their day. They aren’t going to agree to hang out with you at the last second, and you won’t want to commit with plans with them a week ahead of time because you don’t know what you’ll be doing then. It’ll be hard to take your flirting from the phone to IRL because you’re so different in everyday life.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with an Aries. Even though you both say what you mean, their fire and passion can be hard for you to handle. You don’t want to be in charge of regulating their emotions. You don’t want to deal with ups and downs every day. Their passion might draw you in at first, but their mixed signals and shifting moods will exhaust you after a while.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with a Pisces because they’ll want to talk and hang out constantly. They won’t love your casual, go-with-the-flow attitude and might even make you feel suffocated by all the attention they’re giving you. Even though the flirting might be fun at first, your incompatibility will quickly become apparent.


You’ll have the most trouble flirting with an Aquarius because they don’t like to show their feelings – but you love talking about yours. You want someone who is comfortable opening up to you and sharing everything, someone who is a best friend first, but Aquarius aren’t always willing to open up like that. They can shut you out, which will make flirting feel impossible.