Each Zodiac’s Weekly Horoscope For February 18 – February 25
This week, spend less time procrastinating. Instead of putting off your problems and giving yourself more time to stress about them, get it over with now. The sooner it’s done, the less time you have to spend thinking about it. Rip off the bandage.
This week, spend less time on distractions. When you’re supposed to be focused on a particular task, turn off your phone. Avoid social media. Keep your eyes on the prize. Eliminate distractions so you can get whatever you need done in a reasonable amount of time. Then you can relax and unwind.
This week, spend less time thinking about the past. Your mistakes are in the rearview. At least, they should be because there’s nothing you can do to change them now. It’s much healthier to focus on what you can change. On what you’re doing today.
This week, spend less time thinking about others. Don’t compare your journey to theirs. Don’t simmer over the fact that they have fancy things that you don’t have. Keep your eyes on your own lane. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. Their successes don’t diminish your successes.
This week, spend less time scrolling through your phone. When you’re in the room with others, keep your focus on them. Act present. Show them that you’re paying attention instead of letting boredom drag your eyes back to your screen. Exciting things are happening in real life too, not just on the internet
This week, spend less time working. Give yourself permission to relax instead of forcing yourself to be productive every second of every day. Instead of bringing your work home with you, try to spend your off hours actually relaxing. You deserve a break. You deserve to let loose.
This week, spend less time second-guessing yourself. Even though it’s smart to think through your options, you shouldn’t overthink. Trust your gut. Trust your decision making. Trust that you’re doing the right thing instead of wondering whether you got it wrong.
This week, spend less time complaining. You’re allowed to feel your emotions. They are perfectly valid. However, you don’t want to dwell on small things and end up ruining your mood completely. Try to see the good for a change. Try not to make every word out of your mouth negative.
This week, spend less time talking. When you’re in a group setting, listen closely to what others are saying. You could learn a lot from them, as long as you pay attention. Remember, your education doesn’t stop once school does. It’s never-ending.
This week, spend less time on your own. Even though it’s wonderful that you can enjoy your own company, you don’t want to isolate yourself. Make sure you’re putting yourself out there. Don’t lose touch with your favorite friends. Don’t keep to yourself. Socialize when you have the chance.
This week, spend less time making excuses. Even though you might have a perfectly good reason for your bad habits, it’s better to work on changing them than to keep defending them. Make a commitment to do better in the future. Try to progress little by little.
This week, spend less time rushing around. Slow down. Breathe. You shouldn’t exhaust yourself trying to get a million different things done. Be gentle with yourself by pacing yourself. Don’t hold yourself to impossible standards.