This Is The Dark Side That Each Zodiac Doesn’t Want You To See
Aries wants to achieve their dreams and grasp everything life has to offer. They’re determined enough to actually manifest their every desire, but they can be cunning in doing so. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action and desire, which also drives our animal instinct for survival. They don’t consider the consequences of their actions when they’ve set their eyes on something. Aries is willing to hurt others as long as it means getting what they want. They come off as confident and positive, but they’re never satisfied with what they have. Aries will always seek more and do anything to satisfy their greed.
Taurus tries to hide the magnitude of their bitterness. This is a sign who has trouble appreciating the positive in their life because they’re fixated on the past. It takes effort for Taurus to feel truly optimistic. They can dwell on old failures, hurt, and heartbreak. Their love isn’t always so pure. Heartache for them can be about viewing their partners as possessions. Taurus will carry a grudge into the afterlife, but has trouble taking any accountability of their own. They may apologize to save appearances, but they’re never truly sorry. Taurus’ ego actually might outsize that of Leo’s—it definitely drives them to only see things from their own perspective.
Danger lurks beneath the skin of this lively, charismatic sign. Gemini is one of the most generous friends and lovers, but they can also be one of the most treacherous. Because of their intrinsic duality, this sign is prone to wearing masks to hide their true motivations. At their best, Gemini will gossip about you. At their worst, they’re convincing liars. Geminis can be two-faced and self-seeking. They use their charm to manipulate others for their personal gain. In doing so, they lack compassion and empathy. When provoked, they’re sly in looking for cruel ways to harm others. Gemini can turn off their humanity in an instant.
Cancers are deeply intuitive and adept at reading people. How they use that depends on the kind of person they are. This sign is either a godsend or a demon you don’t even realize you’ve invited into your home. People are drawn to and trust Cancer for their charm and wisdom. Beneath their loving persona hides a conniving nature. This sign emotionally manipulates people to get what they want (or just for the fun). Others are never aware that they’re being exploited by the Crab. Cancer has the cunning intelligence to get away with their malicious intent.
It’s no secret that confident Leo adores the spotlight, but this sign doesn’t want you knowing that deep down they’re insecure. They’re as competitive as Aries. Just like their fellow fire sign, they care about being number one more than anything. For Leo, the reasons are different—they value power. Leo will lie and manipulate people for control and attention. They’re capable of great dishonesty if it means getting the affirmation and validation they crave. Because of their ambitious nature, they enjoy seeing others down on their fortune. Leo will offer empathy to your face, then walk away and smile at your demise. Behind closed doors, they throw temper tantrums when someone has “beaten” them at something.
This sign is known for being detail-oriented and analytical, but they can selfishly use that to their advantage. Nothing is ever impulsive for a Virgo. Everything is meditated. They have a sweet exterior and truly are kind, but when they need something, they will fight like a beast for it. It doesn’t matter what has to get done, a Virgo will get it done. They’re calculating and don’t have qualms about any collateral damage they may leave behind. Virgo will harm those who get in the way of their goal. Their quest for perfectionism can transform them into highly toxic people who relentlessly scheme to get what they want.
Libra comes off as transparent and takes great pride in “telling it like it is.” They don’t want you to know that they’re not always the most loyal and trustworthy. Libra may hate having conflict, but they sure do love to manipulate it among friends. This sign will take out their aggression in insidious ways. Pitting people against each other, they will later swoop in as a great friend and savior. Their other dirty little secret is that they’re thieves. Libra gets off on stealing things—your earrings, lipstick from the store, someone’s lover. They do it because it’s fun and because they can.
Scorpio is notoriously well acquainted with their darkness. It’s not obscure knowledge that this sign is capable of great manipulation and instrumenting demise. This is a sign who thrives on power and dominance, but they’re not always as collected as they look on the outside. When a Scorpio feels like they have no control, they find escape through self-destructive behaviors. Scorpio will recklessly plunge themselves into dangerous and masochistic situations. They are drawn to experiences and people who will undo them—even destroy them—as an unconscious means to symbolize death. Scorpio is the most danger to themselves—there’s no one that they want to hurt more. They will risk what’s dearest to them looking to gain their power back through recklessness.
Sag, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance, demands to have it all. Like fellow fire signs Aries and Leo, they’ve got to be the best at all they do. For this reason, Sag has a terrifying secret envy for the successes of others. This outgoing sign would never want you to know just how extremely jealous they can be. Sag will congratulate you and say how proud they are of you, but secretly resent that you outshined them in some way. Sometimes this can be the motivation behind their many passions and pursuits. They’re always looking to one-up friends and coworkers. Sagittarius wants to do it bigger and better.
It’s true that Capricorn is generous in love and in friendship, but they will always act in their own best interests. Cap is notorious for emotionally detaching themselves, but they can also secretly lack empathy (especially when convenient). Capricorn will manipulate people and situations for their own professional, financial, and materialistic gain. They can be savage in their pursuit for stability and the finer things in life. They place disproportionate value on worldly possessions versus meaningful connections. They’ll easily use you as a means to an end and drop you just as quickly. When Cap is in a hustle mentality, they won’t waste their time with you unless you can be of use to them.
Despite being the sign of friendship, Aquarius isn’t as dependable as they’d like you to think. This sign notoriously strives for selflessness, but has a shadow side that is completely self-centered. The dark side of this normally humanitarian sign is that sometimes they have a “me vs. the world” mentality. The Earth revolves around them. Aquarius doesn’t want anyone to get ahead of them. They proclaim their ideals loudly but don’t apply them to real life when it’s not convenient for them. Aquarius can be dedicated to upholding control. This is the reason why Aquarius values freedom so strongly, but continually tries to reform those around them.
Pisces isn’t as sweet and innocent as they appear. They know how to convincingly lie and deceive. While some in this zodiac just enjoy fun little white lies, others keep immense secrets—even other lives. Pisces is just as skilled at hiding things as fellow water sign Scorpio, but will go to even greater lengths to keep them hidden. It doesn’t matter who or what Pisces has to destroy to keep their mysteries unknown. They’re more manipulative and powerful than they want you to know. This is because Pisces plays victim to get what they want, undermining those who have hurt them in the process.