How You Respond to Change, Based on Your Zodiac Sign


You fight it.

You see change like a 2000s CGI-generated army of invaders approaching your stronghold, and whether you’re Brad Pitt in a long blonde wig, Orlando Bloom in a long blond wig, or Gerard Butler ugly screaming “THIS. IS. SPARTA!”, the energy you bring to the situation is “over-my-dead-body”.


You ignore it as long as you can.

Your approach to change is that of a squatter living in a condemned building. They simply can’t knock it down with you still inside it. You go on acting as if nothing is happening, preferring to stay in denial than face the ugly truth. Even when the change is good, you refuse to acknowledge it publicly.


You stress and adapt.

You are the consummate project manager, Gemini, and even the slightest change completely derails your timeline. You will let everyone around you know how it affects your scope of work, your ETA, the late nights it will take to get the job done, and then, you simply do it. You’re all bark and no bite.


You never complain.

Your biggest fear in life is attracting negative attention and pity, Cancer. So no matter what road bumps you run into, you keep your head down and your mouth shut. Good or bad, you don’t want to be caught gloating or whining. You strive to be a well-behaved child in any situation.


You make sure you’re the first to know.

Change is gossip, and gossip is currency in your world. A currency you monopolize. So if anything in your sphere is going through a shift of any kind, breakups, layoffs, hookups, scandals, you are the one breaking the news to everyone else. You can’t afford to run out of it. Your life depends on it.


You let everyone know your opinion.

You see yourself as a glorified Ebert and Roper. Nothing gets to make a splash without your stamp of approval or disapproval. A new TV show, a new boss, your bestie’s new beau. Everything must be evaluated by you first. Lucky are those who debut to rave reviews, and god help those who don’t.


You make the necessary adjustments.

Last minute plus one to the dinner party? You’ve got an extra chair and place setting ready to go. Connecting flight was canceled? Time to hop in a rental and turn the rest of the journey into a road trip. Anniversary plans canceled due to the flu? Soup’s in the freezer. There’s nothing you can’t adapt to.


You plot your next move. 

There’s always a backup plan to your backup plan, Scorpio. You imagine every hypothetical and do everything you can to prepare in advance. So when that hypothetical becomes a reality, you’re ready with a fully baked counter-attack. You never lose sight of your end goal despite the hiccups.


You go into fight or flight mode.

The change of scenery you crave is different from the curveballs life throws at you. When the change is unprompted you tend to do one of two things – try and argue your way out of it, or completely jump ship and bail. It’s not always a good look, so learn to take a second before making rash decisions.


You usher it in.

You were the student every teacher sat the new kid next to. You are the tour guide for everyone new in town, the one who trains your boss on the company software. Your generosity is admirable, but you need to learn to be more aware of where helpfulness ends and people start to take advantage of you.


You call it another day.

You are always advocating for change. Day in and day out. So when something finally gives, you have a long list of other things to push for. You do what you can every day, and try not to get caught up in any one moment. You’re in it for the long haul, not just the little wins and losses. 


You watch it happen around you and stick to your old ways.

You’re off in your own little bubble, Pisces, scrawling away with pen and paper like “ChatGPT who?”. You see modern advancements and technologies as a nuisance and are never one to jump on trends or bandwagons. You like what you like, and live by the motto “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.