Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Walk Away From Love Without Putting Up A Fight


Tauruses can be stubborn and are known to hold their ground in a fight, but they also know how to recognize a relationship’s true worth. They won’t make the mistake of storming off in a huff when there is true potential on the line. They will never devalue the person they love by making the misinformed assumption that they are easily replaceable. They know the difference between a decent first date and a true connection that could last a lifetime. So it’s going to take more than a heated blowout for them to call it quits and assume things are over. They will always reach out when things have cooled down to figure out how you both put the pieces back together. Your relationship is made of LEGO, not glass. All it takes is for you to retrace your steps and reread the instructions.


Leos will treat their romantic relationships like they do their friendships. They have so many people in their social circle, but those closest to them have been around for a long time. Best friends get into tiffs, butt heads, grow apart, and then get back together like nothing ever happened. Leos won’t just sweep everything under the rug in love, but they do have a realistic outlook that every moment isn’t going to be rainbows and butterflies. A Leo knows that long-term relationships go through their ups and downs and require a consistent effort from both parties. A Leo will pull their weight in the partnership, and will never bail on someone they’ve committed to. They will fight to keep the people they care for by their side.


Sagittarians have the biggest mouths of the zodiac, and they use them to get in and out of fights respectively. The inopportune comment that gets them into hot water is always accompanied by an equally effective apology. What they say in the heat of the moment is never the last word in love. Sagittariuses are stubborn, but their partner is the one person they are willing to submit to and admit when they’re wrong. They’re not averse to big romantic gestures and know when it’s time to buy an apology gift or bouquet of flowers. When they damage or burn a bridge, they know it’s their responsibility to repair it.


A Pisces can’t stay mad at the person they love for long. They are also the sign that correctly identifies their own emotions fastest. They’re the ones to say “I know I was mad about X, Y, Z, but really I was venting [jealousy, insecurity, resentment, etc.]” They know that the things you can see and hear on the surface are never the root cause of the issue. So when they fight for their relationships, they are fighting against the true ailment. They won’t spin their wheels digging a hole into what was said or not said, but the feelings beneath the issue. They can empathize even with the things that hurt them. They can maintain multiple perspectives in tandem.