4 Zodiacs Whose Effort At Work Will Be Rewarded On July 24
Everyone knows you’re not in it for the glory, Scorpio, but that doesn’t mean you don’t show up for the occasion unprepared. Everything you’ve been doing on the privacy of your own PC will finally come to light. You will be the one with the answers, the one with the ideas, the one with the proven track record to make a change today. Worry about how everyone else will feel about it afterwards and get over your fear of praise. It’s not your fault you thought of it first. You can’t hold yourself back in the name of fitting in. Put on some blinders, a la an 1800s carriage horse, and focus on your own effort. Pull your own weight—it’s what you do best.
The things you do can sometimes be seen as the thankless tasks, Leo. They don’t earn you special attention. They don’t bring in a hefty bonus, but what you find today is that the rest of the company can’t function without them. No one can step into your shoes as simply as you imagine, and your absence has ripple effects throughout different teams and departments. Someone else realizes how essential you are at holding the ship together with your dependability and does something to make sure you have incentives to stay exactly where you are. It’s time for you to decide if you’re happy with the status quo or if you need to seek out a bigger, better challenge.
That question you were afraid to ask, that email you were afraid to send, that meeting you were afraid to request, Cancer, they’re all coming full throttle towards their natural conclusion. Wheels are turning, change is coming, and you are positioned to take on more responsibility. Don’t be surprised to find you’re at the top of someone’s list. You’ve been putting yourself out there, and the right people have noticed. Take this opportunity and run with it. Now is not the time to shy away from everything you’ve been asking for. Face this next chapter with the eagerness you’ve been exhibiting for the last few months. Getting what you asked for can be scary, but it can also be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
Pisces, you’ve been struggling to come up for air for so long, and you’re finally through the end of a long slog. As tempting as it may be to slack off now in the wake of your exhaustion, that is the exact opposite of what the situation calls for. This brief lull is your invitation to be as productive as possible. You saw all the leaks and cracks in the system that made the past few weeks absolute hell for you. Now is the time to get everything back in working order before the next wave comes crashing down. Take this time to prepare and don’t waste it. You can’t guarantee when the next opportunity to dictate your own schedule will come your way.