27 Things Everyone Needs To Know About The Leos In Their Life
1. A Leo’s lucky numbers are 1, 4, and 6.
2. Leos are fiery and self-assured creatures. It’s nearly impossible for one to resist their charm.
3. Leos are natural born leaders. They thrive off of the “can-do” attitude and won’t take no for an answer. They work hard to accomplish their goals and you’ll never see them quit or give up for anything.
4. Leos are a natural sign of the Fifth House. This house focuses on sports, children, creativity, amusements, love that you give, love affairs, speculations, romance.
5. Leos are highly dedicated to everything they do. They are extremely loyal, and will always be devoted to being the best version of themselves.
6. Leos are extremely kind and polite, but their mood entirely depends on the situation and people involved. And, if you choose to take advantage of their kindness, they will unleash on you without any hesitation or remorse.
7. Leos are prideful, and sometimes even arrogant. They won’t let anyone walk all over them. They stand tall. They are extraordinarily strong willed and bold.
8. Leos make excellent lovers, but they aren’t afraid to walk alone. They are sensual and intense in all the right ways. They love with a fiery passion and intoxicating madness. They are spontaneous and keep you constantly guessing what comes next.
9. When a Leo loves, they love hard. They’re an “all or nothing” kind of lover and they expect you to do the same.
10. A Leo generally gravitates towards an uninhibited lover who isn’t self-conscious. They believe that confidence is the sexiest trait someone can have.
11. The best gift for a Leo is a status symbol item or a family related collection such as a keepsake album. They appreciate the small things in life the most.
12. Leos are easily turned off by liars, cheaters, and people who are manipulative. They make their own decisions, and won’t let your voice echo over their own.
13. Leos make the rules. They call the shots, and that’s just how it always has been and how it always will be.
14. The opposite sign of Leo is Aquarius.
15. A Leo has a strong and confident personality who has the ability to make almost everyone comfortable. They are a warm presence to be around.
16. Leos are always up for a challenge and will fight until the very end. They have this inherent need to win every battle that’s thrown their way, and they are both sore winners and losers.
17. Leos are just big kids at heart. They never really grow up, and it’s their love for the simple pleasures in life that mean the most to them. They have hobbies from their childhood that they treasure until this very day.
18. Leos are most compatible with Sagittarius and Aries.
19. The color of choice for Leo is gold.
20. A major drawback of a Leo is that they are often extremely vain. They seek attention in any way possible, and when they don’t receive the attention they desire, they kind of go off.
21. The anatomical areas for Leo are the heart, sides, and upper back.
22. Leos prefer things to happen by their own terms. So, when things don’t go as they planned them to, they become crabby or annoyed very easily.
23. Leos star stone is the Ruby.
24. Leo’s thrive off compliments and kind words. They want everyone to notice anything new about them and complimenting them is almost necessary.
25. Leos want your undivided attention at all times, and won’t put up with anything less.
26. Leos are complex creatures. Those that are born under this sign can sometimes be perceived as being shallow or egotistical. The truth is, there’s much more than what lingers on the surface for a Leo.
27. A Leo’s true personality is hidden until you really get to know them on a deeper level. They are somewhat guarded, mysterious, and hard to get to know. But, when you do get to know the heart of a Leo, they will leave an everlasting imprint on your heart.